Forum Games

Forum Games != Posting Gaming-Related Threads

Submitted by Yuun, , Thread ID: 150921

Thread Closed
married to cute
Local Wolfgirl
29-11-2019, 06:09 AM
So, I've noticed that some new members who join the forum think this section is for gaming discussion. Thought I'd make this thread to clear up this confusion.
This specific section is for members to post games that involve posting in the forum - you can see examples in the following picture (open the spoiler):

[Image: o2CvNS1.png]

As you can see, this section is for those questions where there is either little effort involved in the responses (such as "Yes or No") or are mostly fun games (such as "Your Zombie Name"). The reason we have this section is so people don't clog the main discussion sections with low quality posting.

Now that we've cleared that up, let me give you all some examples of what NOT to post:

[Image: ZEDWUCa.png]
[Image: iymDlH1.png]
[Image: iKBi20n.png]

These threads are either gaming-related but not a forum game (asking for people to play with, etc), asking for gaming-related leaks (cheats, etc) or actual gaming discussion such as the last thread where a user asks for recommendations about the Fire Emblem game series. To sum it up (tl;dr):

  • This section is for FORUM games (as in games that involve posting in the forum), not actual gaming discussion
  • Read the rules if you haven't already, both my thread and the forum-wide ones
  • This section is NOT the random section

thanksies. :sip:

[Image: wJF4V6p.png]

[Image: TpUwOtZ.png]

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