Money Talk

Guide To Making Money Here and Online

Submitted by Ideology, , Thread ID: 73175

Thread Closed
Currently Insane
03-02-2018, 05:48 PM
[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

To all Members (Veteran or New),

This guide has been created as a way to inform every member here who is probably confused or unsure of how to make money online, but also serves as a way for all members to be more involved within the NulledBBcommunity. This isNOTsomething you can just skim through, get your information, and leave; believe me, that's what you do if you want $0. Instead, this is a way to clean up the "clutter" of threads asking "how do I make money online?", "what's social engineering?", "am I allowed to sell this here?", and ect.

This guide has been created from what I know, so if I have missed anything, or you think something should be added, please PM me and I'll look over to see if it should be added. NulledBBis already a great community, as well as a family that has grown over the years, and hopefully this removes the itching thought of money for some, and as a result focuses them onto actually being part of this community.


This is not going to teach you how to get $100 in one day, nor is it going to teach you how to form a business. This is going to teach you what are the ways people make a small income here as well as other places in the internet, so don't expect a major paycheck. To add to that, this guide has no information on the follow trades, businesses, forms of money-earning, or any other action that leads to money making listed below:

These Topics Are NOT Permitted to Be Discussed
- Narcotic Purchase, Trade, Manufacturing, or Selling (All narcotics i.e drugs, whether they are OTC or illegal will not be spoken about)
- Scamming, Phishing, Hacking (For to HackForum for that), Fraud, or any other form of fooling an individual to reveal personal information resulting in identity theft as well as giving out credit card or bank information
- Creation of any form of hacking program meant to steal money or information

Thank you for understanding the original purpose of this thread, and I hope all your questions are answered.


So How DOES One Make Money Online?
It seems pretty nice that there is a possibility for all of us right now to buy something that we've always wanted, and all we had to do is have the internet get the money for us. However, if anything should be learned, it's that if you're serious about making money, then you have to be willing to place a good amount of time and effort into it. It's an investment, and with the greater risk, you get a greater price.

To Begin, You Will Need
- A PayPal Account
- A Personal Email Account
- A Secondary Email Account
- A Private Notepad or Microsoft Word Document

To begin, you need aPaypalaccount in order to collect your digital currency. Your account should use your personal email unless you don't necessarily want to be "tracked" since Paypal does send notifications of transfers and payments via email, so your secondary email is fine.
Paypal Website ->

With the personal and secondary emails, is has to be understood that when dealing with companies and other individuals, it may be necessary to give a good amount of your information out in order to get what you want sent to you, but sometimes you need to keep some stuff back, which is where your secondary account comes in. The notepad or Microsoft Word document comes into play with writing down everything. I personally have a Word file listed as "Work", that has all my email and passwords for everything, has my current goals, plans, and everything. It's important to make your passwords hard to type or crack, which makes it hard to remember, which is why it's good to type it down so you can just copy/paste it onto the login.

Online Password Generators:
(Listed from Least to Most Efficient)
Strong Password Generator:
Norton Password Generator:

Alright, now you have everything set in place in order to make money, but now the question remains: What do I do?
There are dozens of ways, but each one goes pretty deep into an entire system. Try out more than one form of money-making to see if it works out for you.

eWhoring is a form of money-making that includes a somewhat complex set up and forces the individual to pose as a female online to *cough* "work-up" *cough* the sex drive of men usually on facecam websites.
To begin, first you need to decide your form of eWhoring; Snapchat? Kik? Facecam? Skype? Whatever it is, you need to create a new identity for yourself. You can do that by first using this link

Create your new female identity and then create a Facebook account to compliment your new identity so it looks like you're a real person. You may also want to use a VPN service that places your "location" in another country where you claim your identity is from. That way, you appear like a real girl.

The next step is getting yourself some images/videos of your new "self" that you'll be using to fool guys into thinking you're a girl. There are many "packs" that include files to videos and programs to use as you facecam with people that allow you to make the record female appear to be real; i.e you can make her wave, smile, blow a kiss, and for the dirtier stuff, make her flash her breasts or even start touching *ahem* down there. There are many websites that offer these packages, but usually it's for money. However, looking around, here is a guide that will greatly assist you ->

Once you have the pack, it's up to you to choose where you're going to use your new program and how you get money. Typically, you want to flirt around with the dude for a while, and give a couple nudes or flashes of the body. If the guy wants more, ask him to do one of the following: Click on a link for either an affiliate program or a link commission (both of these will be discussed below) OR ask him to make an anonymous payment through Pay Safe Card (Note: Don't ask him for like $20 unless he really seems desperate, and give an excuse on why you need the money)

This process is done multiple times, sometimes with many guys at the same time. If done correctly and with enough time, potentially you could make up to $250-$300 a day. The only hassle is time of course.

Social Engineering
Social Engineering is simply fooling an individual or manipulating them into giving you something. In this case, it's having a company (for now we'll be using Logitech as a prime example) to give you a product you never ordered for free!
The beginning of every SE is getting a S/N (Serial Number). Serial numbers are basically the bar-codes of devices and appliances that companies use in order to keep track of individual products.

Alright, you got your S/N, now what? Well, typically, you create an account on Logitech Support ->
Then, register your product with the S/N claiming that the item is not working as promised. You may have to get creative here. Afterwards, find out if the product still has a warranty on it. (NOTE: When you purchase a S/N, oftentimes it will be a lottery to see if the warranty has expired or not. Are the shops cheating you out? Of course not. It's merely YOU not hurrying up and buying the S/N's before they expire).

If the product still has warranty, use your powers of manipulation to have the customer support send a refund to you as a new product. Within a couple weeks, you'll have a brand new Logitech item for your own use that you can sell online, all for free.

Now, SE'ing works with MANY websites. You just have to be smart enough to know which websites have a poor enough security as well as customer support.

Amazon Refunding
Amazon refunding is as simple as it sounds; using an Amazon account, you refund a product claiming you didn't get it and in return you get either a refund in a form of money or the item. What's the difference between refunding and SE'ing? With SE'ing, you're brand new (typically) and have a stolen S/N that you're trying to pass off as yours. Refunding can be done whether you bought the item or not. The only thing that has to be understood is that the more you refund, the more obvious it is to the company.

You don't earn too much money since you usually have to have money to start off here, but it's a great way to get some items for free and then selling them off at at a higher price if you so choose.

You of course first start off with an Amazon account and then make a purchase. Once the package arrives at your house, contact customer support and using the ID code that you can get from your previous purchases section, you explain to them how you did not get the product you paid for and want a refund. Simple as that.

Amazon Link ->

Affiliate Programs
Many of what people do nowadays is they sign up for affiliate programs. In fact, most of every single ad that you watch on Youtube where some guy is explaining how he made a million is really him talking about affiliating.

What is Affiliate Marketing? Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting other people's (or company's) products. You find a product you like, promote it to others and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that you make. This is the literal "making money while you sleep" type of job. You can start by going to ANY major corporation website i.e BestBuy, Amazon, Walmart, ect and scroll all the way down where you'll see a section of tabs. Look for something that says, "Become an Affiliate" or "Become a Sponsor" and click on it. There, you can sign in your information, and it's there you will be given your links and accounts. It's here you try to get people to click on the links in order to get money since that's literally the only way you can get paid.

eWhoring is a great way to affiliate market, but having a Youtube channel OR a Blog where you have constant viewers/readers who are eager to do whatever you say (i.e "Hey guys, click on this link to help me out, that's it!") To help out explaining it without giving you a bunch of worthless videos where the guy talks for 10-20 minutes barely giving information, here are some videos I've watched that I think give a perfect amount of information for you on how to get started
- (How to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing)
- (How to Create a Website) Helpful in Affiliate Marketing)

Now, some tips you may want to head:
- Try eBooks. eBooks is a great way to have people buying stuff from either the seller you're working for OR from YOU. That's right. You're able to use the same repetitive speech with promises of life and luxury as every other video to promote your book; I've done it before, and I got over 100 readers in one week.
- Make sure you take advantage. Don't just list one product; list multiple whether the company told you or not and establish a connection with the customer or person you give the link to.
- Set yourself time to recollect your expenses. Oftentimes, you have to pay money in order to become an affiliate, but if done correctly, you have every shot at becoming well-rounded in this area.

Note: You only get paid when the person signs up, and even then, it's a small amount. It's all about audience size.

Link Campaigning
Probably the slowest of the "money while you sleep" methods, but still and effective method if you know what you're doing.
Basically, you create an account on a link website (basically like Affiliate Marketing, except it's free with no sign-up from the person) and then you have a certain website/webpage that has either a link to something, a code, or image people want, but in order to see it, they have to go through a specially created like that is created by placing the website address or URL of the original webpage in a generator the site will have. The site will give you a new link, and you copy/paste that link, and when people click on it, you get money.

Link Websites:
- Adfly/]https://[disallowed url shortening site]/
- TMEarn
- Shortlink

I have to give credit toHoneyfor being a surefire king at this. Check out the Entertainment Leaks of this forum here -> and you'll notice that Honey is smart enough to link *ahem* certain images that are sure to get people clicking and coming back. Yes, you can throw these links in Youtube comments or in a blog, but at the end of the day, you need to find an audience. Being active here on LeakForum is a certain way to do that a we have a very active community.

Do note, you only get around $0.007 for every click, so you'll be needing a lot of clicks.
Example of link -> for Secret Message :3)

Create a Shop/Service Here
If you want a lot of cash to start flowing, create a shop here -> offer a service or skill that will have people spending money! This is where your graphic or coding skills can come into play, or perhaps you're skilled in getting S/N's. Whatever it is, you're able to create as many services within your thread shop as you want, and if you stay active and have great customer support, cash will certainly come your way.

Get a Job
Ah yes, the most famous answer people here love to give whenever someone asks "What can I do for money?". The truth is, this is most likely going to give you the greatest amount of money over anything you could do online. But creating a Youtube channel or Blog where you ask readers/viewers to support you or perhaps coding and creating an app that's super useful which could be put to sale are also key options. At the end of the day, it's how much work you're willing to put in.

Graphic Design
For many, and especially within this forum, the skill of graphic design is a strong factor for many, but it can be extremely difficult actually finding a job that is worthwhile and doesn't pay bad. While it is a skill that has been easier for people to learn, it has become less "interesting" to those hiring unless the designer has an extensive portfolio and a vast amount of vouches; for graphic designers it could be up to tens of thousands. But luckily if you happen to have the skills (because I'm not going to teach you how to design), here are some great ways to start out.

To begin, you first need some great software if you truly want to bring your skills to the max, and while that can run you up some numbers, many users here offer cracked version within the Leaks sections or for a cheaper price here.

Now, typically you want to gather up a group of individuals who have experienced your work before or vouch for it's amazing look; but oftentimes most graphic designers end up creating logos and banners for people be it for their social media, website, or gaming group. Whether you prefer to draw intricate designs, or simple logos, there are places where you can grow in popularity.

Art Websites and Forums:
- DeviantArt: The Largest Online Art Gallery and Community

- ConceptArt: Art Forum for Constructive Criticism Regarding Artworks.

- WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists

There are merely just a few websites where you can grow and compare you artwork with other artists, as well as create a large-enough following for potential buyers. Typical forums such as DeviantArt will allow you to set up a direct link to a website that will allow fans to support you currency-wise, with websites such as Patreon ( but there is a sufficient amount of popularity to be earned before any substantial amount of money is earned.

Once you create a large enough following, you're now able to go out and start advertising you work. There are many ways to do this, and here are a few:
- Fiverr:
- 48Hourslogo:
- Freelancer:
- SmugMug: costs money, but this link gives you 15% off

Here you're able to charge people up to $20 per project alone or $5 per hour. Most of these sites don't have traffic, but high-sellers are usually recommended more often then not which is why having large follower base is a great idea to have beforehand.
There is also a lot of work within the Minecraft industry with texture packs since map developers often look for something have compliment their adventure and there are hundreds of contests towards skins and packs that many enter to gain popularity. All links to downloads usually have an Adfly link which is how about 97% of the community gets money, so with enough packs, and some Minecraft Youtuber advertisement, you'll be within the community at no time.

Link to perfect Minecraft Forum ->

While any economics class in high school can tell you the greater the risk, the greater the reward, something that outdoes risk is work. Work hard for your money, and believe me, it'll come. But don't expect anyone to help you for free; we all want money, and if you want help, offer a service in return. Learn to bargain with people, create deals, take charge, and get smarter. Learn how to code, how to understand and speak to people, everything is a crucial role in creating a new you that has money in the future.
Good luck, and do your best.
I apologize for everything

All About Me ->

RE: Guide To Making Money Here and Online

03-02-2018, 05:55 PM
Just out of curiosity, do people still do Amazon refunding? How has it changed compared to 2015/2016?
[Image: InZ3hGx.png]

RE: Guide To Making Money Here and Online

Currently Insane
03-02-2018, 05:58 PM
03-02-2018, 05:55 PM
Faded Wrote:
Just out of curiosity, do people still do Amazon refunding? How has it changed compared to 2015/2016?

I know quite a few people who still do, and it's changed a lot with the fact that Amazon has become such a powerful business. Those who use to to refund typically do so as practice towards other business entities and it helps find weak points in systems for certain items or services.

It's because of Amazon Refunding that is has been discovered the businesses Harrods and Tesco have extremely poor credit card protection, and therefore people can just log on with fake card and order/refund anything they'd like during certain times of day.
I apologize for everything

All About Me ->

RE: Guide To Making Money Here and Online

04-02-2018, 06:03 PM
03-02-2018, 05:55 PM
Faded Wrote:
Just out of curiosity, do people still do Amazon refunding? How has it changed compared to 2015/2016?

In Amazon Germany for example they do now check the packages they send with xrays, and record the whole delivery process, and also in Amazon UK it is becoming much harder to do refunds, other than that not much changed.

RE: Guide To Making Money Here and Online

Mr. Burnham
SM Services
05-02-2018, 04:55 AM
This thread is awesome. It covers a lot of things that beginners have to know. Thanks for writing this.

RE: Guide To Making Money Here and Online

05-02-2018, 05:00 AM
Amazing thread Ideology. This is a great read for any member.

RE: Guide To Making Money Here and Online

14-02-2018, 06:31 AM
This is actually a very interesting read. But, why do some things link to leak?

Very easy read as well Smile
[Image: ioCVYjo.png]

RE: Guide To Making Money Here and Online

08-05-2018, 07:52 PM
This guide is great.
Thank you for taking time and writing this.

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