Tired of people being unable to rp kidnapping properly? Want a noice new job for your players that isn't another C+P police job? Introducing the brand new kidnapping mod!
See it in action:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4PBk4qIKZI How to use: Install on your server then create a job that spawns with it, swep name is "weapon_kidnapper" You configure it with 2 console commands: kidnapmod_antispam_timer - how long that person is protected from being knocked out again after first being ko'd (default 140 seconds) kidnapmod_knockout_time - how long people stay unconscious for (default 20 seconds) Features:
Bludgeon weapon that lets you kidnap people by hitting them on the back of the head and dragging their body off to parts unknown
Configurable delay for knockout length
Configurable anti spam system that prevents minges from repeatedly kidnapping everybody on the server
Previously seen on The Australian Underground rp server where it was used to knock everybody out and throw them down the nearest sewer grate (but this version has been 100% recoded from scratch and is massively improved)
Ability to strip players weapons and place them in a crate so you can sell them, claim them for yourself or just throw the crate out a window for some hobo to claim
Includes hooks so that your server developer can easily write extensions for the scripts internal logic
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