This addon allows you to implement special rounds on your TTT server, to offer something other than the default TTT gameplay. Features
Has a built-in admin menu
Has a comprehensive voting system with various commands for player comfortability
Special rounds can be triggered via vote, force, chance, or on the last round of every map
Offers 22 pre-made rounds (Listed below), rounds can be toggled on/off via the config file or the in-game menu.
Pointshop 1&2 support
No custom content (No downloads)
Simple installation
Installation Simply extract the zip file to your addons folder and you're done! Make sure to read the readme file! Compatibility issues (& Fixes)
In Tomy288's damagelogs, the RDM menu pops up on rounds where regular TTT rules are overriden. This can be fixed by making a slight modification to that code (This is explained in the readme)
Slow Motion is not triggered on rounds where the winning conidition isn't the default TTT one. Also, it can trigger on rounds where players respawn, before the round actually ended (e.g. Deathmatch Switch). Read the readme for how to fix this
List of Default Rounds
Crowbar only - All players get nothing but a crowbar for the round. Last man standing wins
Deagle only, Headshot only - All players get a Desert Eagle (And full ammo), and only headshots count for damage. Last man standing wins
Deathmatch - 50% of the players are turned into detectives. The rest of the players become Traitors. All players being with 1 credit
Deathmatch Switch - Just like Deathmatch, but when a player dies, they change teams
Free For All - Everybody is a Traitor and is given 1 credit. Last man standing wins
Hide & Seek - The Traitors get blinded at the beginning of the round for 30 seconds, the shop is disabled. Innocents only have crowbars, Detectives have pistols as well (Only the default pistol)
HUUGGGEEEE - All players are given a H.U.G.E. and infinite ammo. Last man standing wins
Infected - The goal of infected mode is for all players to become infected. When a player dies they become infected. Infected players are revealed to be Traitors, and their model is changed. Infected players only have a knife and a spawn setter. Reamining survivors will win if the time limit is reached.NOTE: This round is currently malfunctioning. It seems to crash some servers, and work fine on others. I cannot guarantee this will work on your server
Inverted - Everything is inverted. This includes - movement, jumping/crouching, mouse input, and weapon slots. All of which can be toggled on/off from the config
Invisible Traitors - The traitors are invisible, everybody else is a detective. You begin with 1 credit
Juggernaut round - The Juggernaut is the sole traitor, everybody else is a Detective, no special shop items. The Juggernaut has increased HP and movement speed but only a knife
Knife only - All players get a knife, and must battle until there's only 1 man standing
Low Gravity - Speaks for itself
One In The Chamber - 1 hp, 1 bullet. Kill enemies to get more bullets. Last man standing wins
Sideways - Players can only move sideways
Simon Says - Throughout the round, tasks will be given to the players, if a player can't perform a task, they die. Regular TTT rules apply
Slow Motion - Speaks for itself
Super Speed - Speaks for itself
Traitor Roulette - Only 1 Traitor. Every 30 seconds, the traitor is changed
Upside Down - The players' screen is turned upside down. Regular TTT rules apply
Vampire Assault - Players will have a limited amount of time to gain as much health as possible. You will gain health equals to the amount of damage you deal.
Vampire Hunt - The traitors are revealed, but they heal for as much damage as they deal