Competetive Shooter HUD is a gameplay HUD UI pack and consist of a wide range of effective HUD features typical for first person shooters. In addition to a number of effects such as achievements, medals, damage feedback, damage indicator, etc., it also offers the shooter typicalhealth and armor bars, weapon bars, action bars and team kill counter, timer, a sophisticated crosshair system, intermediate points counter and much more.
Each system is independent and is called and customized via custom Blueprint nodes. All Systems are accessed via a context-sensitive interface and can be accessed from almost any class. Technical Details
Tutorial Message Crosshair System incl. Scopes Hit Indicators Progress Bars Hit Points Damage Indicators / Feedback Kill Messages Intermediate Points Persona Kill Count Medals Achievements Health Bar Armor Bar Weapon Bar Action Bar Team Kill Count Timer Post Process Effects 17 Weapon Icons in 3 different sizes Over 100 Generic & Controller Icons in different sizes
Number of Blueprint Classes: 31
Number of Textures: 361
Number of Widgets: 93
Number of Master Materials: 16
Number of Material Instances: 18
Network replicated: No, HUD & Widget classes are completely clientside
Fonts used (Open Font License): Barlow & Barlow Condensed by Jeremy Tribby