Movies, Series and TV

Lodge 49' A Good Series About Occultism, Alchemy, Marijuana And Secret Societies

Submitted by Naturalista, , Thread ID: 150667

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26-11-2019, 02:34 PM
This post was last modified: 26-11-2019, 02:36 PM by Naturalista
Hello! I want to recommend to you a good series of psychodelic entertainment (californian style) and esotheric at the same time.

Quote:Lodge 49 is perhaps the series that has best dealt with the modern esoteric world, not without sifting it with a certain irony and humorous charge. The series oscillates between a comedy, a drama or a philosophical fiction with the unmistakable tone of Thomas Pynchon, one of the great American novelists, whose work has inspired the creators to touch these subjects with a vein of humor, without this contradicting a serious treatment of this world where the frontiers of the real dissolve and where the mind itself and its projections become part of the plot.

The series, launched in 2018, was created by Jim Galvin and features Paul Giamatti among its producers; among its cast is Wyatt Russell, who recently acted in the Black Mirror series.

Roughly speaking, Lodge 49 narrates the adventures of an unemployed former surfer who, seeking the meaning of life in California, encounters a secret society called "Lynx". In general, it can be said that the series honestly touches the intersection of alchemy, Jungian psychology (and synchronicities), Aleister Crowley's magic and some other related subjects, familiar to any reader interested in magic and occultism. As we said, the tone is that unmistakable one of Pynchon, although sometimes he also remembers The Big Lebowsky of the Coen Brothers (1998). It should be noted that while navigating the rabbit holes of supernatural worlds or their beliefs, Lodge 49 also makes a subtle critique of capitalist society and its idols, and the alienation from the modern world (one of the causes why people sometimes desperately seek meaning in fields such as astrology and magic). In a sense it can be said that the world of Lodge 49 is one where new philosophers meet in the dispensaries of marijuana.

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