Wanted to test pictures with a light source coming from a window on a subject. Took some pictures of my parrots. First one is Django, male. Second one is Cleo, female. Such cuties. I had to downscale the images since they were originally 6000x4000. They are unedited.
Wanted to test pictures with a light source coming from a window on a subject. Took some pictures of my parrots. First one is Django, male. Second one is Cleo, female. Such cuties. I had to downscale the images since they were originally 6000x4000. They are unedited.
Ballerushi Wrote: Ah, thanks for the info; learnt a new breed of parrots aha. So they're very expensive I'm assuming?
And would you mind if I played around with the pictures in my spare time?
They are fairly expensive. Live up to 25 years. If you get them as an adult (over 5 years), typically over $400. I get them as babies when they just hatched. My dad bought them for $125 each.
Go ahead man, you can if you want. They are not edited, so pretty flexible.
Ballerushi Wrote: Ah, thanks for the info; learnt a new breed of parrots aha. So they're very expensive I'm assuming?
And would you mind if I played around with the pictures in my spare time?
They are fairly expensive. Live up to 25 years. If you get them as an adult (over 5 years), typically over $400. I get them as babies when they just hatched. My dad bought them for $125 each.
Go ahead man, you can if you want. They are not edited, so pretty flexible.