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Quora Upvote ?Hack

Submitted by jester10305, , Thread ID: 102688

Thread Closed
02-10-2018, 02:00 AM
Check out this article I found...

Ryan Stewart
I have an unhealthy obsession with being considered the world's BEST internet marketer. I'm highly active on social media and love a good debate.

Before getting into the details, I want to show you the results Ive gotten from this [grey hat] tactic:

Updated Quora Analytics

Ok, so Im a little short of 10,000. But, in my defense, I only posted about five times.

Updated Quora Screenshot

What Im going to tell you in this article works.

What is Quora and Why Do You Need It?

Quora is a website where users post questions via Threads and other Quora users answer them its essentially Yahoo Answers and an Internet forum rolled into a social network.

Both Threads and Answers can receive ?Upvotes an Upvote signifies the Answer was helpful. The Answers with the most Upvotes get shown at the top of the Thread.

I know what youre thinking: ?another social network that I have to spend more time, effort and resources on.

I agree 100% Quora isnt for everyone. If youre a local business, the time you spend answering questions wont help you meet your websites goals.

Quora is great for:

Websites that rely on traffic for revenue (Ad publishers, affiliate sites, content publishers)
Websites that sell information products
Websites that sell products (SEO tools, childrens sneakers, coffee grinders)
Bloggers that want to establish themselves as an authority in their subject matter
I dont want to get into details on how to use Quora if you need more info, heres a basic explainer video that will clear up your questions.

For the purpose of this post, all you need to know is how to exploit the network and drive a ton of traffic to your website:

Find Threads with a lot of Upvotes (this signifies they are viewed a lot)
Write a well thought out Answer to those Threads
Drop a link to your website in the Answer (relevancy is key!)
Get your Answer Upvoted to the top of that Thread by other Quora users
If your Answer reaches the top of the Threads, thousands of Quora users will see it
If they like it, theyll click the link to your website
In theory, it sounds simple. The truth is getting your Answer Upvoted to the top of the thread is hard.

Ive got you covered.

This post is going to walk you through step by step how to get your posts Upvoted to the top of Quora Threads.

1. Create an Account Set up Your Profile

First, create an account. You can use your Facebook, Google+ or email it doesnt matter.

What does matter is filling out your profile to completion. The information you input should be based on the types of questions you plan to answer.

I want to drive traffic to my blog thats about digital marketing. If I want other users to take my Answers seriously, my profile needs to reflect my expertise.

For example, lets say a Quora user asks a question about link building. I see this Thread and I write a kick ass Answer.

If my profile says ?Ryan Stewart CrossFit Expert people are going to dismiss what I have to say.

Your profile has to reflect the questions you plan to answer that means if you have clients or multiple websites, youll need separate Quora accounts.


Take the time to do it right a lot of people will be viewing your profile. The better it looks, the better your content with perform.

2. Find a Thread

You have to find popular Threads that get a lot of attention. These are the questions that get the most views and hold the most traffic potential.

If your Answer is at the top of the Thread it will get a ton of views and ideally, clicks on your link.

Finding a popular thread really isnt that hard. All you have to do is type your main topic into the Quora search bar.


Im looking to answer questions about SEO for two reasons:

I want to establish myself as an expert in the field
I want to drive people that are interested in SEO to my website
After you search for your topic, find the question with the most Upvotes. This signifies that the thread is popular and its getting a lot of action from other Quora users.


As you can see, this method works. The thread Ive selected has received over 300 responses and over 600 requests for responses. The top response is from a very well known SEO Rank Fishkin. I know that if he took time to answer this Thread, it has a ton of traffic potential.

3. Write Your Response

You have to write a well thought out response that provides value to the Thread.

If you try and copy and paste the same Answer on Thread after Thread, youll see diminishing returns.

I cant tell you exactly how to write a great response thats on you. What I can tell you is to make sure you drop a relevant link to your website in the Answer.

This is the link that Quora users will follow to your website if they like your response.

Here is the response I wrote that drove over 100 visits to my website in one day:

Question: What is the single best piece of SEO advice?

Response: TEST! Have a couple of non-client websites or blogs that you can play around with. Search engine algorithms change everyday that SEO guru that is selling a guaranteed 1st page ranking may work today, but it probably wont tomorrow. There is no singular blue print to SEO success if there was, wed

all be rich. Thats what makes this field so fascinating its dynamic and its really difficult.

There are some really good resources on this website to help you out with more info: Digital Marketing Blog | Webris

4. Get Upvotes on Your Answer (Web Hack!)

This is where the fun begins.

If youre a pure white-hat nerd, feel free to exit this post now! The rest of my advice is black hat and for those of us who get twisted pleasure sticking it to the man.

Getting your Answers Upvoted to the top organically is nearly impossible. Most online marketing ?gurus will use buzzwords like ?create great content and ?engage with others.

Bull-fucking-shit assholes.

Even if that was the case, Im a business owner I dont have time to jerk off on Quora all day.

The best way to get your Answers upvoted to the top is to buy Upvotes plain and simple.

Does this break Quoras Terms of Service? Absolutely.

Is this web spam? Absolutely.

Does it work? Absolutely.

Im about results as long as Im not breaking any laws or harming others, Im going to take advantage of it.

Heres how you do it:

Find a vendor that sells Upvotes (see below)
Send them the thread
Notify them of your Quora username
Thats it. Within 24 hours the spam Upvotes will come rolling in. I will say this you do have to be careful about where you buy Upvotes from (all gigs are not made equal).

[sociallocker id=2945]

Fiverr Gig 1

Fiverr Gig 2

Fiverr Gig 3[/sociallocker]

Heres what my Answer looked like after the gig (thanks to my good friends overseas):


And again, the resulting traffic in Analytics:


One gig of the Upvotes (a whopping $5) was enough to tie me for first place for the Answer. A significant portion of the Upvotes ended up being removed by Quora, but because my Answer was on the top it also received a ton of organic Upvotes.

As of right now my Answer is sitting at #2 ahead of Matt Mcgee (Editor of Search Engine Land).

The best part about this process is as long as the Thread is popular and my Answer remains at the top, the traffic will continue month after month.

This process is easily scalable theres really no limit to the amount of Threads you can perform this on.

RE: Quora Upvote ?Hack

13-10-2018, 10:09 PM
Hey this is some great info. Im putting up a couple of sites and have been looking into traffic lately. Quora keeps coming up. This strategy has not. Appreciate!!

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