Hi this is the tracking template i use before and during SEs to keep track of information.
Company name: Contact page: Phone Number: SN Checker: Valid reason: Product Name: Model Number/Product Number: Serial number, Mac: Receipt: Pictures : Bought: Warranty:
Open it up on a notepad and fill it out with the SE information. This will come very useful when calling, so you don't miss out anything. I keep each SE in a separate folder with it's own things in it, for example a receipt and images for easy access. For example this is what it would look for HP: The SN Checker can be a place where you can register the serial like logitech or check if its a real serial. In my example i was getting ready to do a Laptop SE, so having when the warranty started and ends means i know the date i can say i bought the laptop. If i say i've had the laptop since January, the rep could check and call me out.