Hackers usually attack /admin so we are gonna change it to /somethingyouwant
So how to do this?:
Connect to your server through FTP or whatever you want.
Go to your IP.Board Directory
Locate the admin folder and rename it to whatever you want! If you want it ultra ultra secure you can use hash generator that generates you alot of compatible characters such as:ae0bbd2810ede227bbeec1b9442f83f4
After you rename your admin folder you need to create a new php file. It should be placed in same location as index.php. Create it and call it:
It must be exactly calledconstants.php otherwise it wont work.
Inside ofconstants.php type following:
<?phpdefine( 'CP_DIRECTORY', 'Your new directory' );
Replace your new directory with the new folder name. You should now have changed your Admin folder this should make your site easier if you have problems reply or PM me.
Quality resource right here. I'll be testing this after my installation and I'll be sure to PM / update this thread if I have any issues. Once again, quality content that people need to see.