
Tips for creating a decent server (project).

Submitted by Mrbarabawka, , Thread ID: 85159

Thread Closed
18-04-2018, 07:28 PM
This post was last modified: 18-04-2018, 07:28 PM by Mrbarabawka
In this thread, I'd like to tell you what you need to create your competitive server. And not only about this! General recommendations, practical advice - all this will be here. I will try to convey everything more specifically and "chewed".
All my massive text I'll lay out literally on the shelves. And yes, the text here will be enough, it is so, warning.
Perhaps, we will begin:

What you need to create a good server:
First, you need patience and the realization that you will not achieve everything at once. You need to clearly know what you want to do: a shameful server running through Hamachi, or a competitive and forward-looking server. If you want to create a second one, read on.

Where to start:
I advise you to start by choosing the direction of the server. For starters, the usual server, without plug-ins, that dramatically change the gameplay, such as Industrial Craft, Build Craft, Red Power and others, will work fine. I advise him exactly, because, basically, he is more in demand by potential players, rather than something else. However, other directions will also find their players, you can read more about the types of servers here: http://rubukkit.org/threads/Kakie-byvatsi -servy.19343/.
But I will talk specifically about the direction of the usual server, about which is the most optimal for the beginning.
After you decided with the direction of the server, it's time to name. And yes, here you already need creativity and the ability to think deeply. But I immediately warn you, the names in which the craft is used, ru, mine - is the worst thing you can think of. Your server with this name will be lost among other projects with similar names, which are more authoritative and popular. I advise you to come up with something creative and easy to remember. There are many such examples, you probably know about them. The main thing is to find something that will give you inspiration ... Yes, this is probably the most difficult, but if you get something like this, I can congratulate!
Determined with the above? Bravo! And we, meanwhile, move on to the next chapter ...

Creating and configuring your bukkit server assembly:
Here I am in this issue will not dig very much, right there, on the forum, there is a lot of materials on this topic. And anyway, you can download the finished assembly - for starters, too, will go.
But still give some advice on this matter:
1. Do not make a customer with a link to their own launcher at once - many players want to play on their own client, their launcher immediately - too much. And only the forces in vain will spend - and suddenly the project "will not take off"?
2. Even if you are doing your own assembly - it is not worthwhile to poke a bunch of plug-ins that will unnecessarily strain your car (spoiler, I'm sorry). It is better to look at other assemblies, from other users - you will see that the most necessary, at will, of course, you can add something else, but do not shove the over9000 plugins - unnecessary load.
3. Try to look for / make an assembly in which everything will be russified. It's not very pleasant to read English words, even if you know this language.
Created / found a suitable assembly? - Congratulations!

PR (advertising) server and collection of players:
Here, one of the longest and requiring skill in this business process. But, before all, an explanation: Do not start the server before you have a lot of players in the group. Again, suddenly the server "does not take off"? And what should I do? Just in vain for everything (again a spoiler, excuse me).
Well, let's get down to PR. In general, I advise first to call your friends to yourself, and they should tell them to tell their friends too. And they can and their. Yes, not all friends will tell their friends about your server, but still the attempt is not torture! And yes, you should not run to big groups at once and spam there by type: The best Minecraft server! Come to us! Free admin! - On this few people will go, well, maybe children for 8-9 years. And in big communities you are provided with a ban for this. Yes, and normal players just

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