TPS controller includes: inventory system, weapons, interaction with objects, AI, furniture and and much more... After installing this package, you can immediately begin to create a full game!
This package includes a full system of inventory, interaction with various items, weapons, furniture. All interactions are accompanied by sounds. At a walk, the surface is determined and the sound of footsteps will cause this. AI can see, hear, attack, search for a character, patrol.
Inside the package are many models, furniture, objects, weapons, building, doors, various devices, etc.
Our development team has tried to make this package easy to master and further create on its basis its own games.
Some Animations from Epic Games are used for demonstration purposes!
In this project a controller is presented which includes the following features:
4 weapons type (Pistol,Rifle,Shotgun,Sniper) Inventory system(Items,Weapons,Equipment) Weapon swap system Footstep system Flashlight AI (See,Hear,Patrol, Attack,Search) Many models (Items,Weapons,Lightflash,Lamp,Furniture,Chest,House,Windows,Ammo,Doors,Card detectors,Code detectors,Keys,Cards,Medicine,Food,Energy water and etc.) Doors (Default,With key,card and code detector) Destructible objects Realistic shooting system The bullet is endowed with its own physics, energy and momentum 100% Blueprints