League Of Legends

What is best champion for low elo stomp

Submitted by NeonNinja, , Thread ID: 268642

07-07-2023, 01:29 AM
Yeah so im hardstuck silver adc main and i have no idea how to get out. I am mostly playing draven and i cant deal with fed assasins (or jax)

RE: What is best champion for low elo stomp

07-07-2023, 01:29 AM
NeonNinja Wrote:
Yeah so im hardstuck silver adc main and i have no idea how to get out. I am mostly playing draven and i cant deal with fed assasins (or jax)
idk men idnt play this

RE: What is best champion for low elo stomp

This post was last modified: 19-07-2023, 02:07 AM by TheMasterAJ
07-07-2023, 01:29 AM
NeonNinja Wrote:
Yeah so im hardstuck silver adc main and i have no idea how to get out. I am mostly playing draven and i cant deal with fed assasins (or jax)

Hate to break it to you, but it’s almost impossible for any adc to deal with a fed assassin or jax, just keep practicing, figure out what’s best with you

07-07-2023, 01:29 AM
NeonNinja Wrote:
Yeah so im hardstuck silver adc main and i have no idea how to get out. I am mostly playing draven and i cant deal with fed assasins (or jax)

Hate to break it to you, but it’s almost impossible for any adc to deal with a fed assassin or jax, just keep practicing, figure out what’s best with you

RE: What is best champion for low elo stomp

In low elo, champions with strong snowball potential and simple mechanics tend to be more effective for stomping games. Since you are an ADC main and looking to climb out of Silver, here are some ADC champions that can be great choices for low elo stomp:

1. **Miss Fortune:** She has a strong laning phase with good poke and an ultimate (Bullet Time) that can deal massive damage in team fights. Her ultimate is especially devastating when enemies are grouped up, which happens frequently in lower elo games.

2. **Ashe:** Ashe provides great utility with her slows and vision from Hawkshot. Her ultimate (Enchanted Crystal Arrow) can initiate fights or pick off targets from afar, making it easier for your team to follow up and secure kills.

3. **Caitlyn:** Her long-range and strong laning phase make her a good choice for low elo. With good positioning, you can harass the enemy laners and secure objectives easily. Additionally, her traps can control areas and catch opponents off guard.

4. **Jinx:** She has high damage output and her passive (Get Excited!) allows her to chase down kills after getting a takedown. If you can get ahead on Jinx, you can easily take control of the game.

Regarding the issue of dealing with fed assassins or champions like Jax, it's essential to work on your positioning and map awareness. As an ADC, your priority is to stay safe during team fights and deal damage from a distance. Position yourself behind your teammates and pay attention to the enemy's abilities and cooldowns, especially those that can threaten you. Consider building defensive items like Guardian Angel or a Stopwatch component for Zhonya's Hourglass.

Furthermore, communication with your team is vital. Ask your support or other teammates to peel for you and protect you during fights. If you see an assassin diving onto you, try to kite back and let your team deal with the threat.

Finally, make sure to focus on improving your fundamentals like CSing (creep score), vision control, and map awareness. By mastering the basics and making good decisions, you can increase your chances of climbing out of Silver and into higher ranks. Good luck!

RE: What is best champion for low elo stomp

I really think there's nothing easier than Nasus toplane, afk farming, seriously. I peaked diamond as an ADC main but its fun to sometimes go top with him and yes it works even in low elo, especially in low elo. Give it a try!

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