Upload multiple files at the same time. Pure HTML5 implementation with upload progress, so no reliance on Flash. Chunked uploads
Responsive Design
Accessible on mobile, tablet and desktop. YetiShare automatically reformats depending on the users device.
Earn Money
Generate revenue by charging for premium account upgrades. Set different download speeds for free & paid users.
Admin Area
Feature rich admin area to manage users, files, file servers, site configuration and more. Even view downloads as they happen. AND MANYMORE!
v4.4.1 - Updated Facebook login, minor file manager improvements, database indexes and other minor fixes. - 1st June 2017 - Updated social login plugin - Fixed Facebook not working due to API changes. - Minor fixes to file manager breadcumbs & folder reloading. - Facebook login - removed the request for date or birth, town and about me, in permissions. - Added additional database indexes to improve performance. - Fixed session notice in later versions of PHP - session_write_close(): Failed to write session data (user). - Fixed SMTP sending issues caused by debug being enabled within email sending library. - Fixed issue with folder zip download not being fully recursive.
Release Notes: There are database changes within this release. See /install/resources/upgrade_sql_statements/v4.4 - v4.4.1.sql. For code difference with v4.4 see \install\resources\upgrade_file_diffs\V4-4_to_V4-4-1_DIFF.txt
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warebehr Wrote: is this allowed on NIC.download? or would their abuse policy kick me out of my domain when 1000 people start downloading?
NIC.download is just a domain registry service. They do not throw you out, since you only register the domain over it. important is that your webhoster allows high traffic. it is best to use a VPS server, Dedicated server. (Rent)
You need a lot of storage space and high traffic must be allowed. You need a fast uplink (1 gps minimum). I would recommend a 10 gps uplink.
To test it you can do it via apache (XAMPP) on your own computer, before you put it on the Internet.
Hi! Great script yetishare! I buyed the basic pack last week, now im searching an updated Rewards plugin, what version in included here? If someone need it i can upload my version of yeti
dash Wrote: Hi! Great script yetishare! I buyed the basic pack last week, now im searching an updated Rewards plugin, what version in included here? If someone need it i can upload my version of yeti