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You have to choose between mental pain and physique body, what u choose ?

Submitted by Fenix07-art, , Thread ID: 290209

23-03-2024, 07:57 PM
So what u choose and why ?

RE: You have to choose between mental pain and physique body, what u choose ?

This is a pretty broad question, what type of physical pain are we talking?

RE: You have to choose between mental pain and physique body, what u choose ?

If I had to pick, I'd focus on feeling good mentally first. That's because mental pain can really mess with your everyday life and happiness. But staying physically fit is important too for your overall health and energy levels. So, if I had to choose, I'd tackle mental stuff first, but aim for a balance in the long run!
If the links don't work, don't bother telling me. It's not my stuff.

RE: You have to choose between mental pain and physique body, what u choose ?

Physical pain is always temp. Mental pain lingers and festers unless you get it out and have a solid emotional support system to help you mentally. a lot of people don't

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