Minecraft Leaks

who had ???

Submitted by kristupasplays, , Thread ID: 121445

Thread Closed
14-02-2019, 09:19 PM
Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
  • 1.13
Source Code:https://github.com/I2000C/NewAmazingLuckyBlocks/Languages Supported:English, Spanish and Hungarian. You can help by translating the lang.yml file to your language[/size]

This luckyblock plugin is based on RewKun AmazingLuckyBlocks plugin (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/amazing-lucky-blocks-like-lucky-islands.22919/).
[Image: luckyblock-png.389299]
I have added to it some new features like:
  • More personalization

  • A new wand (shield wand)

  • A new section: objects, with the DarkHole and the MiniVolcano items

  • New commands that will give you all the wands or the objects

  • A command that will place random lucky blocks around you

  • Lots of bugs that were in the original plugin have been fixed
If you don't have any lucky block resource pack, you can use this:/2RqMmbY]https://[disallowed url shortening site]/2RqMmbY

  • /alb --> Shows plugin info

  • /alb help <page> --> Shows plugin help

  • /alb reload --> Reloads the config and the language files

  • /alb give wands [Player] --> Gives you all the magic wands

  • /alb give objects [Amount] [Player] --> Gives you all the objects

  • /alb give luckyblock [Amount] [Player] --> Gives you luckyblocks

  • /alb randomblock <rad_x> <rad_y> <rad_z> <number_of_blocks> <floating_blocks> [Player] -->
    Places random lucky blocks around you/a Player
  • amazinglb.* --> All NewAmazingLuckyBlocks permissions

  • amazinglb.lucky_block.break --> Break lucky blocks

  • amazinglb.lucky_block.place --> Place lucky blocks

  • amazinglb.reload --> Reload permission

  • amazinglb.update --> Updater-message permission

  • amazinglb.give.wands --> "/alb give wands" permission

  • amazinglb.give.objects --> "/alb give objects" permission

  • amazinglb.give.luckyblock --> "/alb give luckyblock" permission

  • amazinglb.randomblock --> "/alb randomblock" permission

  • amazinglb.wands.WAND --> Permission for using the wand WAND. Can be enabled and disabled. Disabled by default.

  • amazingly.objects.OBJECT --> Permission for using the object OBJECT. Can be enabled and disabled. Disabled by default.
These are the default permissions, but you can customize them.

In the near future there are lot of things that I want to add to this plugin, also if you have any idea or suggestion, don't hesitate to tell me it.

  • Ability to enable/disable the update checker?

  • Ability to change the prefix. By default: [NewAmazingLuckyBlocks]?

  • Add the "/alb give" command for wands, objects and luckyblocks?

  • Ability to use the "/alb give" and the "/alb randomblock" commands from the console?

  • Add wand customizable limited uses?

  • Add custom player head system to customize LuckyBlocks?

  • Ability to break LuckyBlocks by hitting them with the head (like Mario games)

  • Add new wands and objects

  • Outcomes with percentages

  • Ability to add custom outcomes (blocks, entities, items, structures, etc) with its own percentages
Spoiler:Outcomes list

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