XenForo Modifications

[xFT] Message Above Editor 2.0.0

Submitted by Cracker_God, , Thread ID: 95839

Thread Closed
18-07-2018, 04:30 AM
This post was last modified: 18-07-2018, 05:06 AM by Cracker_God
This addon adds a message above the editor in the threads and conversations.
The block is added to the following templates:
  • conversation_add
  • conversation_message_edit
  • conversation_reply
  • conversation_view
  • forum_post_quick_thread
  • forum_post_thread
  • post_edit
  • thread_reply
  • thread_view
Independent color adjustment for messages over the editor in threads and conversations.
Independent text of the message above the editor in threads and conversations.
And some other features.

If you like this add-on, please consider sending a small donation.
Although, I know that no one will do it [img][/img]


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