League Of Legends

How do I get off bronze

Submitted by Papawilsonwade12, , Thread ID: 51199

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RE: How do I get off bronze

concentrate on farming and try to play meta champs. tanks are very strong in bronze. also grabbing a duo m8 is helpful aswell. my advice would be to duo with a friend and go on 2 lanes. mid/top and jgl is good. came gold with my friend on that way

RE: How do I get off bronze

Look up a solid build for the lane you wanna play and then practice it. Get better at farming

RE: How do I get off bronze

dont flame and have funy bro that the best way ahahah xD

RE: How do I get off bronze

I am Gold 4 and I played with friends to get out of bronze because I dont like getting bad players so just play with friends

RE: How do I get off bronze

Watch a few beginner videos and I suggest going on training mode (Practice/Sandbox mode) to improve your last hitting, basic mechanics etc. If you just started playing recently dont worry you'll eventually get better. Gl.

RE: How do I get off bronze

One trick a champion until you're good on him/her. You'll begin to see other opportunities in the game and be able to focus on other aspects of the game to improve your general gameplay.

Thats how I got out of Bronze and I'm now Dia 2 Smile

RE: How do I get off bronze

you must play mid/jng top/jng or duo bot .
But you must take a op champs for mid: zed,yasuo or annie Top:nasus , chogat or sion.
when the other lanes feeds you can carry your team easy pissy Wink

RE: How do I get off bronze

All you need is mechanics until diamond 5 really im a d1 player myself and everything is about laning phase

RE: How do I get off bronze

Play with a premade, try getting top and jungle. Pick something strong top like Darius/fiora (OP if fed) and Cho'gath jungle. If you reach 5000-7000 HP with cho'gath, you are pretty much set. Activate righteous glory and chase their ad carry. Get objectives, if enemy jungler ganks top and you are bot, try getting dragon. Most importantly, NEVER flame, it doesn't help, not you, not the guy you flame that will be mad and won't be able to focus, most of all have fun. If you need tips let me know, I am not THAT pro but I am Gold I in EUW and Gold 3 in EUNE.

RE: How do I get off bronze

Play main role and same pick all the time. You gonna have way higher win rate this way.

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