I actually had a kind of 'out of body' experience before. I was jumped on from behind while walking down to the ground floor of my apartment complex, strangled unconcious, 100% convinced this guy was a serial killer, that I was his 'victim' and that this was going to be the end. I remember my entire life passing through my mind, thinking about all the regrets (one of which was, e.g., although I had issues with some of her choices, being murdered without contacting her is obviously a shit way to go...to die without once complimeniting her/saying "I love you" or whatever bs). Objectively it wasn't, but I can see, to an extent, how people view this feeling of your life running at 1000x fast-forward in through your mind in a sort of spiritual sense...as a way of accepting your entire life, for however long you've lived, in those final moments.