
Tips for losing belly fat?

Submitted by ShadowsNixs, , Thread ID: 197998

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RE: Tips for losing belly fat?

28-07-2021, 03:21 AM
It's all about finding the right amount of each macro nutrient and exercise. Everyone's body is different so the amount of macros (protein, carbs, and fats) that you will need will be very different from what someone else needs--this of course in dependent on age, gender, activity levels, and any health issues you might have. It's actually an old wives' tale that eating less and exercising more will do the trick. Yes, eating less and exercising more will drop you weight, but not in the way you might think. See, any activity that we do requires fuel. Our bodies are a living, breathing, and evolving mechanism--and it's primary goal is survival. It will learn from your behavior. If you eat less and exercise more, your body has to pull that fuel from somewhere. The body gets its fuel from macros (proteins, carbs and fats). Problem is, these macros are not equal--and your body, while living, is pretty stupid. So it will break down the easier macros/molecules first: first the carbs, then the proteins (your muscles), and then fat. At the same time, as I said before, your body's main objective is survival, so it will preserve with it thinks will be the most efficient source of nutrient--that which is the slowest to breakdown, which is the fat. So while you might eat less and exercise more, you are being counter productive: your body is fueling on your muscles (the protein) and storing all the fat that it can. Muscle weighs more than fat, so from a weight standpoint, yes, you have lost weight, but you've also gained fat. So you will be thin and flabby with a higher risk of heart disease.

The idea is to balance your macros so that they work for your exercise and weight goals. If you want to loose belly fat (or any fat for that matter), you want to fuel your body frequently with very small meals and snacks that have a balanced macro value. Additionally, you want a snack high in complex carbs and moderate in protein before exercising and high in protein and moderate in healthy fats after exercising. This tells your body that you want it to use the carbs to fuel your activity (complex carbs break down easier than starchy carbs) and protein to compensate for the strain. This also tells your body that you want it to replenish it's energy with healthy fats, allowing the proteins to go towards protein synthesis and not be used as replenishment for energy after exercise. This way, the fat that you do consume get burned off, while the proteins that you consume go to work repair and replenishing the muscles.

Also, unhealthy snacks are fine in moderation. No need to go nuts with some crazy diet, eating nothing but weird shit. The only thing that you really want to stay away from is anything with the word hydrogenated in the ingredients. That is literally the only food items you really want to stay away from because you body is unable to process hydrogenated materials properly. Hydrogenated ingredients are the artery cloggers. Stay away from them like the plague.

As far as drinks go, clear fluids and 100% juices are the way to go. If you must have soda, no need to go diet, but certainly keep it in moderation but stick to moderately clear sodas (Sprite, 7up, Mist, Squirt and so on). The syrups used in the darker sodas are know to have certain ingredients that, at least according to some of the articles I've read when getting my own weight under control, block certain receptors in the body, making certain ingredients build up in your body and making you crave more to drink which then leads to potentially drinking more soda. It's smart business from a pop manufacturing outfit.

Hope some of this information helps.

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