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[Guide] Ripping models from Sketchfab

Submitted by HDR, , Thread ID: 152601

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RE: [Guide] Ripping models from Sketchfab

31-07-2021, 01:11 AM
21-07-2021, 05:28 PM
Vido Wrote:
Hi guys,
here I will write briefly what you gone need to do to download unencrypted "binz" model's from Sketchfab
Open Chrome and Dev tools (F12), make tool horizontal and go to "Sources" and close all files in sources, hit "Ctrl + Shift + F" and type "this._xhr=" and hit enter, double click on bottom text line to open it
Click on "{}" to format code and hit "Ctrl +F" and find this line of code

this._xhr = {
              response: i,
              responseText: i

and insert break point at this line "his._xhr =" and reload page with "Ctrl + R", after that you will hit first break point and then go to "Console" and paste this code

var downloadBlob, downloadURL;

downloadBlob = function(data, fileName, mimeType) {
var blob, url;
blob = new Blob([data], {
  type: mimeType
url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
downloadURL(url, fileName);
setTimeout(function() {
  return window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url);
}, 1000);

downloadURL = function(data, fileName) {
var a;
a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = data;
a.download = fileName;
a.style = 'display: none';

downloadBlob(i, 'file.osgjs', 'application/octet-stream');

Hit "Enter" and save it in some directory. Reload page skip first break point by clicking on blue arrow (blue triangle) and paste code once more in Console from above "var downloadBlob, downloadURL; ...." just change name at bottom from "file.osgjs" to "model_file.bin" and that you will see blue bar go to up to half on load indicator . Now go in "Sources" and add second break point where "t ()" is line 33771 and reload page, click twice on first break point (blue triangle) and again hit twice "continue button blue triangle" to continue and click twice to continue once more time and after that you will see your model so paste code in Console and name it "model_file_wireframe.bin" and save it.
When you do all that open "file.osgjs" in text editor and open "find and replace" tool and replace all ."binz" with ".bin.gz".

Open Blender and hit Alt+P and open "file.osgjs" and that's it

Or you can follow my video tutrial which is on mega with other necessary files and codes

You have done what i couldnt, i was really going to make a video about it, not just for you people but for myself as i am not constantly donwloading models from sketchfab and unfortunately human memory is weak, until it gets replaced by more powerful and advanced nanomachinery components... hehehe. For real, i just remebered this topic today and i thought i could make it next week, but now that you have done it there is no need. From what you told me you nearly had it, its just that setting the second point break to get the model file is not explained in the chinese guide, you have to use your intuition... great

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