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Will russia still be relevant the next years?

Submitted by Miko12, , Thread ID: 237598

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RE: Will russia still be relevant the next years?

23-03-2022, 05:04 PM
I think the textbooks will show one of three things, in my opinion;

  1. Putin somehow is able to walk away from this, with only a fraction of his demands, declaring it a "victory" for Russia. With him turning 70 this year, he might even step down and declare this as his "final victory for Russia" so he can end his 20 year term on a "good note."
  2. With about half the country in disagreement of the Kremlin, an exodus of Russians fleeing the country due to the sanctions and borderline martial law, the increase of data leaks, protests, and hacks showing that the Kremlin is lying, and an increasingly upset military - the world might witness a revolution and uprising.
  3. World War III - though I have my doubts on this as there's growing mistrust from Putin against the Kremlin, KGB, and military. If he's failing in Ukraine, how is he going to hold up against literately every country in the world with the exception of a handful of other countries. Heck, even China might side with the US/NATO/EU becauseit would put them at risk. That and I feel like every country in the world doesn't actually want to fight, since the world is coming out of (or going back into) the pandemic.
Russia, or the Kremlin, this morning said they're not taking nuclear options off the table, and would use them against anything that posed an "existential threat" toward Russia - the things that's being considered is a "small nuke" on Ukraine (not in a major area, but somewhere desolate or off in the sea) to try and grab a "quick victory" - though the UN/NATO said this would be considered an attack on the world - as nuclear fallout entering other countries is grounds of an attack. I think they're honestly just trying to scare the Ukraine and everyone else - why try and take over a country if it's inhabitable and risk having your own country flattened.

Putin is doing this for one reason; "For Russia." The Kremlin's own words even say they'd only resort to drastic measures if there was a direct threat to Russia. It's all about the whole of Russia - so as long as Putin can save face, and as long as no one else keep antagonizing Russia (even though it's Putin's fault) - I don't think Putin would risk his legacy as being Russia's worst leader in history and being the one who destroyed what so many have fought for for centuries. His pride tells him to use nukes, but his pride also says using nukes would be the end of everything.

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