I have never used MyAlerts so my experience is 0... :noh:
Basicly my header should look like
But with the Alerts stuff (Notificaciones means Alerts on spanish btw)
When I activate the plugin, it just bug everything as you can see
I hope someone can help me because as I said, I never used the plugin before and I'm really dumb with that :noh:
1. Is MyBB in english or spanish? That may be the error. You may have uploaded the incorrect language folder.
I uploaded both languages so that is not the problem.
10-04-2015, 11:27 AM
subzr Wrote: hmmm i use it and have no issues with it when you activate it it will add the alerts(notificaciones) to the template that will need space to set it there check your css class and try to give more width to that part of template so all could be aligned
if you want just leave the url to your forum and ill have a look
Cheers SubzR
I don't know what template of my alerts should I look >.< I can't find it at header, welcome_member or headerinclude :(