
Sectional Staff Recruitment

Submitted by Aoki, , Thread ID: 75010

Thread Closed

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

12-02-2018, 11:50 PM
This post was last modified: 13-02-2018, 12:23 AM by Horizon
My timezone:

GMT - 6 [EST]

Time spent online a day:

The past few weeks I've been available always as I've got the Discord App and internet access through mobile which makes being active easy. Regardless, I'm by my PC a lot

Section I would like to apply for:

Other Discussions, or anywhere I could help.

Why me:

I believe I should be chosen for this position due to my passion for leechers. I hate those pesky roaches. Every time I check my recent posts hoping to partake in some nice discussions I have to dig through default avatars posting 50-60 chars of the same answer over and over. I hate seeing the same question five times on a single page. My hatred for these little bugs is actually so big that I love reporting them before they get their 15 posts and credits so I can ruin their day by not giving them access to what they came here for, since they decided to be ignorant and ruin my fun. For example, while I'm about my business on the internet, (i.e. gaming, youtube, producing) I always have the forum opened on my other monitor. Once I see that default avatar I'll click and make sure that bug isn't doing anything ruin the fun. So many people have posted great discussions and topics here but they get forgetting as they fall back in the pages due to leechers creating the same thread over 500 times (Is CSGO dying, is Garrys Mod dying, hows your day. and so on). I have been trying my best to report all the threads I find disregard-able or toxic or repetitive without doing too much at one time to annoy the staff members with work. I believe with my drive to clean up these sections, and stop them leechers, along with my availability, I'd do a fine job. Very confident in that I stand out with my motivation to better the forum than most participants.

Another main reason why I should be considered is the fact that my timezone differs from most staff and I can stop a lot of shit when staff are not online to act on responsibilities that I would have to maintain

Also, I'm super cool and attractive which is a very notable perk.

How I would improve the overall quality of the section:

Unfortunately there's been leechers posting the same topics over and over which takes away a lot of the quality of these sectors. I honestly would take a good portion of time upon receiving the rank to start immediately by going through the pages and removing these 50 char shit posts, repetitive threads, and overall making it very easy for our real members to find a discussion to participate in with ease. I will carry out responsibilities further by maintaining the sections each day insuring that users are posting in the right forum and the above listed.

All I want with this rank is the ability to make this forum an easier place for new users to show themselves instead of struggling to even get acknowledged as most users disregard anyone who is upgraded. To be honest, from what I've seen members disregard the non-upgraded sectors completely as it's too much to find their way in.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it. (already do)

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