
Sectional Staff Recruitment

Submitted by Aoki, , Thread ID: 75010

Thread Closed

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

12-02-2018, 11:45 PM
This post was last modified: 12-02-2018, 11:58 PM by Moomin
Gravity Cat's Application

My timezone: UTC+01:00 (UK time)

Time spent online a day:This can very, I can spend hours on Nulled each day, chatting with other members. Probably about 2-5 hours a day sometimes (This varies, soplease don't use the hours as a definite statement of my online time).
9 times out of 10 I have a tab open of Nulled, and post throughout the day. I am very flexible and would obviously spend much more time if I did get this role assigned to me.

Section I would like to apply for: Other Discussions, as I feel as that is a very broad section, which could use some more moderation.

Why me: I have a very good understanding about the rules of Nulled, with no warnings so far. I have a lot of spare time, and would love to spend part of it managing the Other Discussions forum. I have had experience with managing forums before, so I should know what I'm doing. I do try to think of myself a reasonable high quality member, and I would love to lighten the load on the staff team by taking up this position. I would be veryenthusiastic about taking up the role.

How I would improve the overall quality of the section: I would make sure that no rules are being broken, and, if necessary, take action on possible leechers/shitposters, or anyone who is here to cause distress to the general populous of Nulled. I would be open and friendly to users, not holding grudges or anything of the like, and treat all members accordingly.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

12-02-2018, 11:50 PM
This post was last modified: 13-02-2018, 12:23 AM by Horizon
My timezone:

GMT - 6 [EST]

Time spent online a day:

The past few weeks I've been available always as I've got the Discord App and internet access through mobile which makes being active easy. Regardless, I'm by my PC a lot

Section I would like to apply for:

Other Discussions, or anywhere I could help.

Why me:

I believe I should be chosen for this position due to my passion for leechers. I hate those pesky roaches. Every time I check my recent posts hoping to partake in some nice discussions I have to dig through default avatars posting 50-60 chars of the same answer over and over. I hate seeing the same question five times on a single page. My hatred for these little bugs is actually so big that I love reporting them before they get their 15 posts and credits so I can ruin their day by not giving them access to what they came here for, since they decided to be ignorant and ruin my fun. For example, while I'm about my business on the internet, (i.e. gaming, youtube, producing) I always have the forum opened on my other monitor. Once I see that default avatar I'll click and make sure that bug isn't doing anything ruin the fun. So many people have posted great discussions and topics here but they get forgetting as they fall back in the pages due to leechers creating the same thread over 500 times (Is CSGO dying, is Garrys Mod dying, hows your day. and so on). I have been trying my best to report all the threads I find disregard-able or toxic or repetitive without doing too much at one time to annoy the staff members with work. I believe with my drive to clean up these sections, and stop them leechers, along with my availability, I'd do a fine job. Very confident in that I stand out with my motivation to better the forum than most participants.

Another main reason why I should be considered is the fact that my timezone differs from most staff and I can stop a lot of shit when staff are not online to act on responsibilities that I would have to maintain

Also, I'm super cool and attractive which is a very notable perk.

How I would improve the overall quality of the section:

Unfortunately there's been leechers posting the same topics over and over which takes away a lot of the quality of these sectors. I honestly would take a good portion of time upon receiving the rank to start immediately by going through the pages and removing these 50 char shit posts, repetitive threads, and overall making it very easy for our real members to find a discussion to participate in with ease. I will carry out responsibilities further by maintaining the sections each day insuring that users are posting in the right forum and the above listed.

All I want with this rank is the ability to make this forum an easier place for new users to show themselves instead of struggling to even get acknowledged as most users disregard anyone who is upgraded. To be honest, from what I've seen members disregard the non-upgraded sectors completely as it's too much to find their way in.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it. (already do)

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

Veni, vidi, vici
12-02-2018, 11:53 PM
This post was last modified: 13-02-2018, 12:02 PM by Prince
My timezone:

UTC +01:00 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Time spent online a day:

I've created a time-schedule in which I can be online:


09:00 - 16:00
21:00 - 23:00


09:00 - 19:15
22:00 - 00:00


09:00 - 15:30
21:00 - 00:00


09:00 - 19:30
22:00 - 00:00


09:00 - 16:00
21:00 - 01:00


09:00 - 00:00


09:00 - 23:00

Section I would like to apply for:

I'd like to apply for member contests & giveaways section, however I think I could affect changes in other discussions as well.

Why me:

I've been an member since August 2016, although I wasn't active at the beginning. Since I became active I've positively contributed to Nulled in a variety of aspected ways. I've done free services for users of any rank, this gained myself some knowledge and it helped the community in general, overall. Besides community servicesI've done numerous of giveaways. These were both in a value-flux described as well as in content described. Some of them were award giveaways, such as the Gift award. But also Prime codes, discounts and even Supreme upgrades. Now, donating money to a forum doesn't grant you immunity or higher influence, but I think it does reflect a certain state of responsibility and attitude.

I confirm, and I've already said this to you in DM's before Aoki, I'm not always showing my best and most positive side. This is, sometimes, because of happenings in my personal life but also caused a bit of how I am. I'm always trying my best to cover this, or improve myself, and I think I've done that over the past Months. But there's still a small rebel in me, if you think this will become a struggle for asection moderator I understand that, and I would respect your honesty over something you later get regrets of.

I've been a Moderator on a busy Minecraft server with over 400 players online, always. I was accepted due to my dedication and friendly support, but also toughening the lines when they needed to be. I won't disclose the IP, but you can always request this in PM or on Discord. I basically handled 4 gamemodes, all different playstyles and players. There was a big guideline you had to follow in order to follow it precisely. I remember I learned the guidebook out of my head because I was so excited to get started, inmediately. I still am Moderator on the server, however I'm thinking about resigning due to my interest in other projects such as being dedicated to Nulled, completely as well as other games. Minecraft isn't my thing anymore and I'd like to proceed. I'm currently focused on my graphic design for my next college education which I'm preparing for, I'm currently, besides Nulled, and Gaming spending my time in creating UIX and Thread Designs, I've enjoyed more and more over the time and hope to succeed in this eventually.

How I would improve the overall quality of the section:

Member contests and giveaways

At the moment, and recently giveaways were provided where you had to have a certain amount of posts to be able to win, or to get a decent chance. Most, if not almost all of them were not of a high-quality and were mostly replies relying on one-word answers and simple questions. I wouldn't warn every user, instead I'd like to encourage them to be positive, post of a decent format and eventually trying to raise the post-quality, even in the member contest section.

Another suggestion I'd make is disabling the post add on the postbit. As mentioned before, a lot of posts are not of great quality, and lack of communication. If we disable the post-count people can't force-post there anymore, they can but it won't affect their statistics, such as inthe section random. Eventually, I think this will stabilize the content posted, because there's either a thought behind it or an answer that makes sense. Not some 'yes' or 'no' answer.

Last thing I'd heavily watch for is fake giveaways and never-ending contests. We've seen this in the past, people hosted contests, but they never ended the contest or chose a winner. This is, in some way, misleading and fraudulent as you promised something with a deadline, and not meeting it. I'd be highly against this and probably enforce strictly. As an example I'd like to mention A's contest. He changed his rules and guidelines over 2 times times in his giveaway, which was on a short-hang-line already. Aoki enforced strictly and I think he handled it off perfecly. He manipulated, twisted it and eventually not providing it. He had been given 6 Months to make his groups active, he never tried to, and when he did he lacked the effort for it. So again, I think how the Staff team handled and responded to this case was very well done, and that's how I would respond as well.

Other Discussions:

I'll maintain the main section of Other Discussions by actively looking for wrong posted content and off-topic posts. I've seen numerous of posts who were in either the wrong section or completely off-topic from where it should belong, same goes for topics. New members are often confused with all the sections there are and where they should post. Too much topics are being left to dust because they're wrongly posted, it's also caused by the low amount of Staff member and the high amount of influx, especially leechers and newcoming members. I'll try to make the section more focused on it's real purpose and moving all other threads with a more specific niche, and letting the topics stay that do not have a section for its own.

I think the Forum Games section is already being a good watched place. A nice addition is that there's no post count in rule, which makes it for shitposters impossible to gain extra posts, the same applies for leechers. The section is nice, and very active at the moment with AMA's, counting games and rate the member above you. A little bit more diversity would be sufficient to see. Such as only "x" amount of the same threads.I think this is needed to keep the section fresh and alive, and not an AMA section only. The activity is where it should be at, nothing needs to be done there. However, post quality lacks effort sometimes.

The News and Happening section needs revival, I'm currently re-thinking an idea to boost that section because it's an important part of our education, and what's nice to learn and relax at the same time together. I'm brainstorming about some sort award of reward for someone that's a news-guru, someone who's up-to-date in the section, states his arguments, discusses with other members about the happening, and also see each others field of view and perspective on the subject, which is enjoyable to see from different religions, origins and education levels. Don't get me wrong here, there indeed topics posted, however almost none of them get replies nor views. This could also be that people are just not interested in this but it should be an alive section of the forum, and I think it would become a great section seeing what diversity we have playing here.

The forum: Phone and Apps is not something that should have its own section. Instead, I think it should fall under computing > phone & apps. It's already not really active and the moment it only takes up extra space on the homepage and makes it even more confusing. There's computing in the "other discussion" sub-section, which is in the same category as Innuendo, 420, and forum games. This overall will have less recognition as users often think the 'other discussion' sub-section is a spin-off from the lounge where discussions belong that are not allowed or more specific than the Lounge.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

Im A FireWork
12-02-2018, 11:56 PM
My timezone:GMT 0+

Time spent online a day: 1 hours >>> 12 Hours ( yes depends on my mental state Kiss )

Section I would like to apply for: Entertainment

Why me:Good question, well let's get serious here, i love this forum thats why it was the First time ever to spend money on a upgrade here and i just want this community to grow better and better, and ofc because i dislike leechers, and because i have some PAST experience in managing forums so im very familiar with the MOD tools

How I would improve the overall quality of the section:

  2. Improve the threads by strictly deleting spam like posts and ban Leechers
  3. Participate and empower the new members to get there place in our community and to avoid that They Transform into Leechers


By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.
[Image: ylS3sSB.png]

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

13-02-2018, 12:09 AM
This post was last modified: 13-02-2018, 01:51 AM by Addicted
My timezone:
  • EST

Time spent online a day:
  • While I do my work and school work I am on the computer so I can have nulled open for a few hours every evening and check occasionally during the day. I am also always active on discord and can respond almost instantly whenever needed on the nulled discord server

Section I would like to apply for:
  • Member Contests & Giveaways

Why me:
  • I have been a member of Nulled for a long time now and I am familiar with the rules. I have also hosted a few contests / giveaways in the past and I now that some members tend to break rules with hosting and entering either intentionally or unintentionally. I have owned and helped moderate quite a few MyBB forums in the past so I am familiar with the stock mod tools. As many people know I am nowhere near as active as I was before but I do roam the forums everyday. Getting this position would allow me to giveback to the community and motivate me to contribute more often. As Nulled continues to grow extremely fast it is only inevitable that leechers and low quality users will be attracted, hopefully I can help influence these users to become active and contribute to the community.

How I would improve the overall quality of the section:
  • Not only is the contests & giveaways section prone to lots of spam and low quality posts but it also has it's own set of rules which a lot of the contest hosts don't bother to read. As a moderator of this section I would be able to prevent users from using the section to gain quick reputation by hosting fake or never ending contests. With the already set 10 sectional rules there are many things for the staff to look for in each thread and having someone dedicated to managing the threads will save lots of time for the site staff.
  • There are many low quality responses to contests, especially ones that allow users to enter multiple times. I would make sure the members entering the section know the rules and hopefully increase the quality of the contests without having to give out lots of warnings.
  • Just looking at the contest section right now I have reported a few posts breaking rules because users don't read the stickied thread in the section

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

Fulltime Member
13-02-2018, 12:10 AM
This post was last modified: 13-02-2018, 12:12 AM by Asa
My timezone:
Eastern Time Zone

Time spent online a day:
In the past couple of weeks, my activity has spiked up a lot.
I'd say I'm always on the computer after school, until around 10-11 PM.
So 7-hours or so on weekdays, and possibly more on weekends.

Section I would like to apply for:
Member Contests & Giveaways

Why me:
I'd consider myself a pretty neat member, with a bit of coolness and swag. I'm typically on Nulled for long periods of time, and always check frequently, so I'd be able to check out any threads and clean out junk. I'm quick to adapt and learn new things, so I don't think learning the ropes of a sectional staff would be too hard.

How I would improve the overall quality of the section:
As said by the job-description: Managing the sections, moving threads, deleting spam and low quality posts etc
Improving the overall quality of sections with your personal input. I'd be managing the section, as by cleaning out threads that are fake giveaways, w/o any end-date, and deleting spam/low quality posts in the threads.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it:

I believe I provided all the information that was needed of me. Wouldn't be wasting your time by making a long post with just larger words added to it; should gib me role so you can see my work do teh talk.

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

13-02-2018, 12:33 AM
My timezone: Central Standard or UTC-06:00 (Chicago)

Time spent online a day: I would say that I am online Nulled at least 5 - 6 hours a day, while I may not be posting during those time I am actively lurking the forums. Whenever I am not actively browsing Nulled I have the site open in another tab or in the background, at the same time I am on the discord so, to say the least, I am fairly active in the Nulled community.

Section I would like to apply for:

I wish to apply for either Entertainment or the Member Contests & Giveaways, if help is needed in another section I am more than willing to help in those as well.

Why me:

Personally, I believe I am qualified for this position because I exhibit the qualities needed to stay positive, keep the community clean, and lead to an overall increase in quality of a particular section of this forum. Currently, Nulled is growing at a rapid rate that is causing the influx of a ton of fresh faces to the community, therefore the number of people who are unfamiliar with the environment are looking to make their mark within the community. Knowing this, I have the desire to assist as many of these people as I can, but at the same time do it in a fashion that benefits both them and everyone else. For myself, I find it energizing being able to help Nulled grow in an organic manner that will ensure a longevity of activity for the foreseeable future. Outside of that, I have personally helped other smaller communities in the past grow and become wonderful places which are the same things I wish to do here on Nulled. Of course, anyone can say this kind of stuff, so I have been scouting new users from the influx to upgrade and guide down the right path. A good case of this would be Stormy, I saw potential and wanted to help her integrate into the community, so I upgraded her and gave her advice on how somethings work around here. In the future, I wish to do this to many more users and allow Nulled to become an even better community than it already is.

How I would improve the overall quality of the section:

Depending on which section I would be assigned to, I have two different gameplans on how I would improve the overall quality of that section.

  • To address the activity of this section, I would start off by making connection with currently active members in this section and speak to them on how they would like to see this section grow, following that since I know we have three different groups whose niches could fall under the focus of the entertainment, I would also speak to the leaders of those groups about possibly contributing to the overall content of said sub-forum. Personally, I would look into creating unique discussion and events pertaining to this section that would spark activity and connectedness. As far as quality goes, I will personally oversee the quality of threads and posts that are made within my section, that way I can ensure the best quality of my section. My approach on low-quality posts would be getting rid of the low-quality post/thread, depending the user is marked as a leacher, I would approach them and discuss why their post was marked as low quality. I would take this route because there is still hope that user can change up what they wanted to get across to the members and at the same time help someone stay away from the wrong path. I would much rather have quality posts/threads, then the usual "Hey have you seen this? *insert video* " and hopefully this will have an effect on the active users of my section.

Member Contests & Giveaways:
  • Similar to my approach to the entertainment section, I would approach both users and groups who are active within the section, in hopes of getting a community engagement of the section and establish a standard of content for other users who are going to post in that section. Hopefully, I can speak who users who are hosting giveaways and guide them down the correct path when creating a giveaway. I do not wish to see people making giveaways where people are supposed to just spam a thread similar to a lounge. Now I am not saying I would straight get rid of posts, but I would like to see some effort put into posts. Therefore, I would take the time to carefully moderate every giveaway and contests. In fact, I would support those make contests where people actually engage and influence the quality of other users. Overall, I just would like to see more activity within that section and do not like seeing leachers come in and post random things thinking it is a section post their leaks.

~ Thanks for taking the time to read over my app

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.
| Asa |

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

User Icon
nulledbb's very first gay user
13-02-2018, 12:42 AM
This post was last modified: 13-02-2018, 12:42 AM by Sui
My timezone: Central, UTC -6 (CST)
Time spent online a day: Around 2~3 hours everyday, more on the weekends
Section I would like to apply for: Giveaways or Other Discussions
Why me:
I've been on this site for quite a while. While I didn't join during the beginning when all of the good OG people joined, I've still been around for quite a long time. I've started browsing this site since I was 12. I also check the site quite frequently, even when I'm at school, which is usually a crutch for some members. I access the site probably 5~6 times during classes or school in general. I'm active both in the forums and on the Discord server. I'm pretty accessible whenever I'm needed.

I also believe that this would be a good opportunity to build some leadership and some responsibility. I believe that even if this is just some staff role on some site, it's still a great way to show what I am capable of and where I need help. I want this job not only to benefit the community, but better myself while doing it.

How I would improve the overall quality of the section:
Since I'm really just pushing for the Giveaways section, I'll describe what I'm planning to do to fix it up a little bit.

1. Confirming that the prize is real. In other words, making sure that the prize is something that the poster owns, and not just some figment of his/her imagination. The winner gets nothing, and the host gets banned. It's a lose-lose situation for everyone. I want to fix that. I'm planning to make it mandatory to either a. Contact a mod (or me, if I was a sectional mod) to confirm that there actually is a prize, or b. Providing an image of the prize with username/UID/some kind of verification that can be led back to the user. This means that members can be assured that the host isn't hosting a fake contest, and the host will stay away from any potential ban.

2. Making rules and the deadline clear. OK, now that the prize issue has been acknowledged, there's another issue that plagues many giveaway threads: making it clear and concise. Many users will post their threads, but then leave out crucial information. This poses many questions like "When does the giveaway end?" "How do I better my chances of winning this?" "What are the rules of the giveaway?" This confuses members. What I am proposing is a format that will allow hosts not to leave their fellow members in the dark, while still allowing them to add any extra information that they need.

3. EXTREME vetting of the section, threads, and replies to threads. Just like the rest of the sections and forumd on this site, there's often a problem: "hit-and-run" users who will reply to anything just to get those 8 credits, grab a resource, and get the fuck out of here. Through very frequent inspections of all threads and replies, this will prevent the problem from spouting up when members are legitimately trying to win their prize. It is also good to note that I plan to close threads as soon as the winner has been given his/her prize, as these old threads can be spawn points for members described above.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

Forum Janitor
13-02-2018, 02:06 AM

It all depends on current circumstances, generally 4+ hours per day. Changing soon as I've quit my job.
This means it'll go to the likes of 12+ hours per day on the forum everyday.

Other Discussions
I am more than happy to moderate any of the sections mentioned.
If believed I would be better suited to moderate another one, please let me know.

The reason which I'm applying is that I've been a longstanding member of the Nulled community and my experience with MyBB is through the roof and dips well into the development aspect too. I've spent several years moderating and administrating MyBB forums as well as using other forum software too. I understand the responsibilities that a forum has moderator has as well as the policies in which need to be followed and enforced. I believe I would be a good fit for this position as I generally have great pleasure in going through threads looking for the garbage and reporting it at present.

To be honest I don't see a massive need to give a million and one reasons as to why you should choose me, sometimes the big applications are the ones that look good but are just overdone. I know Nulled, I know the community, I know the job at hand and I have the experience to back me up. I don't mean to sound hot headed but I most definitely know the ins and outs of the position. I wouldn't abuse the power given to me and if I believed that I was in a situation I was unsure of what to do I'd seek advice as opposed to choosing the wrong decision.

I'm going to break this section down just now, based on the forum and the sub-forums overall and try my best to explain the current status.

Other Discussion
Inside this forum is not the most active on Nulled as a whole, we see more activity in the sub-forums as opposed to the parent forum. Due to the parent being what it is, I would first look at the approach of getting some new content in here that doesn't fit anywhere else. The goal would be to build up some more, general, daily activity as it seems to be in a lack of it at the moment.

Sections like Forum Games have a lot of spam going on, which comes to the no post count rule in the sub-forum, however people still break the rules in here. On a daily basis we see a number of threads which are the same, just more or less polished up to look a little different. I think it's time to clean this forum up and maybe with the hard work, enforced rules we could bring back post count in this section.

If you've recently hada look atNews and Happenings something I've noticed is a lot of gravedigging in this section, spammers dig up the old threads for the posts. My biggest goal here would be getting the latest news from around the world and having as much news coming in as possible. This would not be a simple copy and paste job, more a research, cross reference,and result idea. Showing members the full story. Sort of like the Nulled News, it would be a coordinated machine in which would increase the quality of posts as opposed to the quantity.

The Computing forum overall is doing rather well considering it has been put into Other Discussions, I do believe this would have been better in another section. However, from the general day to day topics of conversation it's a lot of this or this, this vs that, which sure is a nice discussion field but we don't see quality tutorials or guides being presented in the section. I would much prefer to try and get some good tutorials being built up in here. It's actually already currently a goal I have for Nullus. This section could be doing with more discussions rather than this and that sort of thing.

The Phones and Apps section has so much potential in this day and age because of the current standing of technology that this section should infact be booming. I mean at the moment the chances are at least two people are reading this thread on their phone right? The section has the opportunity to open some of the most intellectual discussions that could happen on this forum but it doesn't seem to be going in that direction. Sorta in a this or that direction. I would love to see more open and heated but intellectual conversations appearing here.

In general, Innuendo seems to be a place where it's just to increase the post count. How long was your first time, when did you lose, have you tried etc. I mean sure it's the purpose of the forum, talking all about love but I think that in a lot of the threads, the responses are still in breach of the site policy. My firstaction for me would be getting some sectional rules up in there. Afterwards, looking to see where we could clean up some of the content shared.

I've noticed for a while that the 420 section is dropping in activity, really hitting it hard, to be honest, I'm not sure on what I would do with this section to help make it more active, the overall quality in the section though seems to be decent considering. I think it would be nice to see more experienced smokers commenting in there though, I mean we also offer an Award for smokers too.

The general statistics for the Anime & Manga are shocking if you ask me considering that to the actual group Anime. I think that far too much time from the users in the group is spent in their sub-forum as opposed to in the open sub-forum. I would be reaching out to them as it's a section based on their niche to interact with non-group members and open more discussions to engage with people. I mean I think it's bizarre that they've abandoned the open forum because they have a sub-forum which is dying out when their group forum is thriving.

Anything Else?
If you guys on the team have any questions regarding this application I urge you to contact me as soon as possible.
This allows for anything to be elaborated on in private or this post to be edited and it to be added to help you guys out.
As always, good luck to all who apply for this spot on the team.

Please read the award requirements here before applying for them.
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Don't message me to join a group, simply request to join one here.

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

13-02-2018, 03:18 AM
My timezone: UTC -6
Time spent online a day: Depends, but maybe 4-5 hours
Section I would like to apply for: Entertainment and/or Other Discussions
Why me:Hey it's me Guts... I mean since regaining my activity on the forum back in October I've made quite a few impacts on the forum. I had the idea to add usergroups to a users profile page. I became leader of Anime and changed quite a few things inside of the group and kicked inactive users. With the goal of achieving only the highest quality weebs on the forum. I've contributed with reports and I'm constantly keeping a lookout for new members who show good qualities and pm'ing them and conversing with them on the forum. I believe that kindness and compassion towards all users is very important, regardless of post count or rep. Hell I'll accept any member into Anime solely on the application given. I accepted a user with only 10 posts into Writers and the kid killed that last News release. I'm the user that originally mentioned Nulledbb on Leak forums in hopes that it would bring in more high quality users. I didn't bring them all in myself but I got it started. In terms of Other Discussions, being leader of Anime makes it sort of my duty to inform and supervise what goes on outside the Anime sub group forums. Constantly checking in on the Anime & Manga section seeing if any users have questions about anything in that area. I'm beyond helpful and I love assisting and aiding those who ask for help. I'm constantly on watch for Anime users for possible recruitment. Knowing that Other Discussions is not only Anime & Manga, I'm also and avid music listener and movie goer.Which is why Entertainment would be a good fit for me. I like to say I'm quite sufficient in all areas of music and I watch quite a hell of a lot of films. I believe I'm the right choice for this position because I already act as someone in charge, be that as only an Anime Leader. But I moderate that section quite well, so I do not see it being difficult to take leadership of a broader "Entertainment" audience. I'm about to be getting into music production again and I would not mind sharing my learning with other users who might be getting into such an area of expertise. Listening to all types of music allows me to notice the difference between a low quality or a troll post, or a high quality "I want to share this with everyone" post. I'm quite knowledgeable on current and upcoming movies, having an iptorrents account allows me to not have to see anything in theaters and allows me to watch from home, which is a blessing. I would be happy to share iptorrent invites with promising users and offer downloads of newer films through other means with the userbase. You should know by now that I strive only for the best and in doing so, only accept the best. I would be a great sectional leader in Other Discussions for my knowledge in Anime & Manga, but I would be best suited inEntertainment for my vast Music knowledge and Movie experience. I don't judge and believe every user has the right to share what they love, regardless of what I might like.
How I would improve the overall quality of the section:As of now there isn't a definite downloading area for Movies or Music.I would like to introduce that aspect, so instead of sharing just a youtube or link to a streaming website. A user may share a download link of a said movie or even make a request for a certain music album, tv show, or movie to be shared by a user. As of now activity is mostly based on only sharing trailers or a song or two. I'd like to create a place for downloads and streaming, which I believe will build a stronger userbase in this particular aspect. I would also be inclined to post a bi-weekly thread in both the Movie & Tv section and the Music section mentioning newly released music in all genres and upcoming music, as well as the same for Movies & Tv. This would hopefully increase activity and hopefully bring users closer together, being able to identify with others on certain genres and likes of certain entertainment. As for Anime & Manga, I would keep a closer eye on what gets posted and if whether or not it's a spam post or if it's a generally interested post. As I have a vast knowledge in the subject I could identify which is what and enforce rules and regulations in that specific area. Otherwise, not much needs to be changed... possibly do the same with Movies, TV, & Music. Post download links and review current Anime & Manga. Though that seems like something for the Anime group to do itself rather than a mod.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it. (I already suffer from depression, so nothing to worry about)
The only woman Yoko and I shared in the sheets

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