I think there are certain areas where the Help Doc needs to be updated. For instance, in theDisallowed Blackhat Activity it only states 6 blackhat activity which is not allowed which is Carding, Fake programs, Account Trading, Warez, and Phishing. However, it doesn't state that a in depth discussionabout the deep web will lead to a ban. I feel like people will think it's allowed to talk about it since it is not in the rules. I also, feel like NulledBB has to explain every single possibility in the rules but it doesn't have to be extremely in depth it could just flat out certain subject from being talked about to not do extra work. So, for this instance it could be that the discussion of deep web is forbidden which would lead to them not having to write a bunch of rules for it.Another area, that needs some update is the Awards section since the link leading to the Request Award section is not the right one.