Webmaster Security

Where to start cyber secuirty

Submitted by Justforfunn, , Thread ID: 64529

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RE: Where to start cyber secuirty

15-11-2018, 12:10 AM
You should definitely start with the basics.

A good understanding of linux / windows (servers and clients) as well as networking is key.
Knowing python and at least one other programming language is good.

Its important to think about what you want to do later on.
If you want to work as a pentester for web applications, then a decent PHP knowledge can be useful.

If you want to go a lower level and reverse engineer stuff -> C and assembler (but then you should also know quite a few things about operating systems, ....)

The list goes on for quite a while....

Personally I can recommend to get some spare hardware, set it up and play around with it (windows server, active directory, vmware esxi, ...)
Dont be afraid to tear it down and start over when you want to try out something new.

And finally, see if you can get some friends together who are also interested in that topic and look for ctfs
https://ctftime.org/event/list/upcoming has a good overview of upcoming ctfs

I wouldnt recommend to start with attack / defense. It gets frustrating if you dont have a strong team you can join that can get you up to speed.
(And you also need a bit of infrastructure)

I recently participated with a few friends in the RuCTF and managed to land a place in the most active teams (Not gonna disclose what place for privacy reasons)
It can be fun, but you need quite a bit of hardware, infrastructure and knowledge

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