Have a decently expensive laptop with decent specs, use it for gaming. I am not dissapointed. I never actually owned a desktop, it was all laptop. But considering i spent a lot of time at my brothers house all the way in another town, using a desktop felt cool, like a new excpereince, but i would not give up my laptop for it.
I travel A LOT, and a lot of the time its just to nearby towns, but wheter im going all over the world or just next to it, or even IN ANOTHER room, i want my MACHINE to go with me, yeah you can move a desktop around the house (if you put in the effort), but as a person who travels, uh , uh.
Im NOT gonna take the better specs, im just not going to, its not worth it for me, I LOVE the portability, how little space they take up (compared to desktops), and hey, they can still have very decent specs for a decent price. Laptops are my go to, but again, thats because of my personal specific sitation, at the end of the day, everyone has a situation to them, and they should choose acorrdingly.