gotta say, CG anime can be good or even BETTER than traditional 2d anime.
When things done right these cg anime looks absolutley outstanding like Houseki no Kuni. but when the staffs and director don't know what they doing with it, things can be as awful as berserk 2016 and ex arm.
sad part about these CG stuff in anime is when they doing it too good some wont even notice its a CG
Ahemn Chainsawman Head
, but when the CG is noticeable even at the slightest thing people would just flaming on it telling how bad cg in anime is
conclusion, 3D CGI in anime can be their best or worst aspect a series could get and when things done right it will and should deserve a place in the community
not saying every CG anime is good, some struggle to keep up with standard and left as it is. but here some CG anime you atleast have to watch one in a lifetime
Houseki no Kuni, great visuals, action scene, with bangers music Dorohedoro, set on more darker theme, dorohedoro gave more sense of gritty world of hellish design, amazing story, unique character design and amazing OP and ED lastly everyone must be knew it already knew, Beastars prettymuch the most advance cg anime when talking in the technical prespective