Money Talk

[$4500] Easy per month method

Submitted by Nachoo69, , Thread ID: 250603

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31-08-2022, 03:01 PM
A guide to making over $4,000 per month, practically autopilot
Introduction If you are using this site to its full potential, you can earn approximately $4,500 per month and it is basically autopilot. I'll take you through all the steps as well as give you support here on this thread, so lets get started.
Signing Up Head on over to and register your account

It is best to use all real information when doing this in order to keep everything safe and have it match up with your PayPal account. This will prevent issues in the future so please do not use fake information.
Setting up your account Now that you're registered, we need to get your account set up with the best settings in order to prevent issues. There are a few ways to go about this depending on what type of PayPal you have. Firstly, I would highly recommend that you have a verified account. This will prevent you from getting limited for receiving an influx of payments. If you do not have a verified account, I would not do anymore than $50 of exchanges per day.
Lending Limit - this is the total amount of Bitcoin you wish to lend. So for example, you want to start out with $100 BTC to sell.

Also be sure to check the 1st box that says "Adjust the amount automatically" so that when you make a new deposit, it automatically will adjust the amount to meet your deposit. The second box means that your limit will gradually increase over time as you get more exchanges. I would advise checking this if you don't normally receive many payments to your PayPal and you are concerned about getting limited.
Lending Offers - this is where you can adjust the settings of your offers, meaning you can set the minimum amount, maximum amount, your fee %, and more. I would highly advise using the same settings as me in order to get the best results, this way you are not dealing with new sellers that could potentially be trying to scam.
If you want to stick to smaller exchanges, edit your maximum amount to something smaller. If you want to keep your exchanges to a higher amount, edit the minimum amount. Pretty self explanatory.
Finally, enter your PayPal email address on Make sure it is 100% correct or else your funds will be lost in the abyss of PayPal.
Making your first deposit Now that your account is set up, you are ready to make your first deposit and start selling Bitcoin. Go to and there will be your deposit address listed, it normally shows up in your activity within about 30 seconds and after the transaction is confirmed in the Blockchain, it will be added to your balance.
Once your funds are confirmed, your Lending Offers will go live and you will start getting sales. Depending on the time of day you deposit, it may take a few hours before you start seeing exchanges but normally all of my funds are gone within 4-8 hours.

After transactions start coming through, you can keep track of all your statistics on the Activity page at the bottom. It will look something like this:
So as you can see, I've made $316.46 profit from investing $2,109.72 into the site. I did this over the course of a few days in my free time.
The maximum amount per day is $1,000, which at 15% that would be $150 per day or $4,500 per month in profit. So if you want to go all out wit this service, keep your account filled all day and you will see results immediately.
Protecting yourself from chargebacks As we know, PayPal is reversible but luckily you are covered while using xCoins. For anyone to make a purchase on xCoins, they must verify their identity and will automatically agree to a Loan Agreement. Basically, the exchange process isn't even shown as a Bitcoin Exchange, its viewed as a loan. xCoins also automatically produces 2 PDF's, one being the Delivery Confirmation and the other being the Loan Agreement which has all of the buyers information on it as well as their official ID. Both of these documents you can submit to PayPal which shows proof of delivery and they will most likely end the case in your favor.
These documents can be found when clicking the Check Box under the Status of each transaction, and at the bottom of the page. I would also advise calling PayPal and expressing that the buyer is purchasing a digital item, therefore he does not receive buyer protection and should not win the dispute. I have done this countless times with other disputes and have won every single case, however I have yet to have a chargeback with xCoins (knock on wood).

Want to do more than $1,000 daily? Create alternate emails under your PayPal and set up different xCoins accounts with the emails. This will essentially multiple your profits by 5 if you keep all accounts loaded with $1k daily, the potential to make over $20,000 per month.
After receiving your payments on PayPal, go to Add Tracking Info and mark the transaction as "Service Processed." This way PayPal will know it is for a virtual transaction.
If you have any questions about this method, Im able to give support so just shoot me a PM if you need anything.

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