A branding removal license and instructions on how to remove the brands quick and easily can be purchasedHEREfor $50. Each branding removal license is good for ONE forum only!
What is XenCarta?
XenCarta is a "lite" wiki. It can be considered a page/content management system with wiki-like features such as diff comparisons, revision history and templates. However, it is a "lite" wiki because I have designed it to be as lite as possible; to eschew the many useless and bloated features you can find in most wiki software.
upload contents of the attached zip to your XFroot
install from file on server: "library/EWRcarta/addon-EWRcarta.xml"
set usergroup permissions for administration rights
Usage Notes:
There are TWO navigation blocks on the wiki. The top navigation block is a "family tree"; it only shows pages within the current family tree. The bottom navigation block is an "index" block; it shows a search form and any pages with positive index ratings (usually you would want to give the progenitors of your trees index ratings).
To use sortable tables, you must set the class of your table to "sortable".