997,436 C C available for grabs. Also contains some ful lz : add ress, state, city, zip code, ph one num ber, em ails, DOB, S SN, MMN or name.
133,067 have been tested and checked. Balance range from $50 to $15,000 Valid rate: 13.3%
Contact only via Wickr Me. Search Deathman523
Terms of deal: Individuals and ca rd sh ops are welcome. Entire db or parts can be gotten.
Do not refund or replace ca rds with an invalid report after it has been marked valid by our checkers. If one of our checkers (LUX, 4Check, Try2Check etc) returns an approved authorization code for the ca rd, we will not replace it or refund its value. Ca rd return time is 1days max after purchase.
For successful refund or replacement, must provide proof of invalid claim. Screenshots and screen grabs with explanation of how and where ca rd was used because Valid ca rds can be rendered invalid if you use improperly.
If the ca rd is not confirmed by VI SA security or 3D MC Protect, we will not be able to replace or return it unless proof of invalid claim is shown as stated above.
Note: Only a handful of c c have add ress, st ate, ci ty, zip co de, ph one num ber, em ail, DOB, S SN, MMN or na me. This details should be properly used to prevent ca rds having issues.