AAC (Advanced Anti Cheat) (Hack & Kill aura Blocker) 4.3.12
Submitted by EndreEndi, 30-06-2020, 11:05 AM, Thread ID: 175361
Thread Closed
30-06-2020, 11:05 AM
#1 Download here
Please read ALL of the overview CAREFULLY before purchase!
By purchasing AAC you confirm you have read the entire overview and you agree to the ToS below.
Version Compatibility
AAC is only compatible with Spigot 1.8.8, 1.12.2, 1.13.2, 1.14.4, 1.15.2
AAC does not and will never support 1.7 or earlier versioning.
AAC Support+Requests
Do not use a review to report bugs/errors. Those will be ignored!
For feature requests and reporting errors, bugs and bypasses, utilize the Official Issue Tracker.
When reporting bugs/bypasses, show video from the official test server: test.kons.co
For simple questions about AAC, ask in the resource discussion.
For piracy and resource ownership related issues, PM Konsolas.
For general discussion and support join our Discord group
What is AAC?
AAC is a complete anti-cheat solution for servers blocking every major combat hack, and many others. Here is a video showing AAC vs. the hacked client Wolfram:
Please note, the test server is the only appropriate place to evaluate AAC capabilities. The above video is recorded with AAC v1.9.10 and is outdated.
What can AAC do?
Currently, AAC protects your server from the following hacks:
Spoiler: Hacks Blocked
Please note this is not a comprehensive list of every hack blocked.
Format: Hack/Aliases (Check/Alternative checks)
Fly (Move)
Speed (Move)
Glide (Move)
FastFall (Move)
Spider (Move)
HighJump (Move)
LongJump (Move)
SelfDamage (Move)
MiniJump (Move/Criticals)
Blink (Move/BadPackets)
Jesus (Move)
Timer (Move)
Sneak (Move)
Phase/NoClip (Phase/Move)
Vclip (Phase/Move)
FastLadder (Move)
Some types of derp (Move/Derp)
Some types of step (Move)
Killaura/Forcefield (FightSpeed/Killaura/Hitbox/Move)
Aimbot (Killaura/Move)
Click-Aura (Killaura/Hitbox)
FightBot (Killaura/Hitbox/Move)
Anti-Knockback (Knockback/Move)
Reach (Hitbox/Killaura)
Criticals (Criticals/Move)
FastBow (FastBow/BadPackets/Move)
Regen (Regen/BadPackets/Move)
FastEat (FastUse)
NoPotion/Zoot (BadPackets/Regen/Move)
NoSwing (NoSwing)
ForcePush (BadPackets/Move)
BoatFly - 1.9+ (Move)
ElytraFly - 1.9+ (Move)
Nuker (FastBreak)
FastBreak (FastBreak)
Build (FastPlace)
FastPlace (FastPlace)
CivBreak (FastBreak)
NoSwing (NoSwing)
NoBreakDelay (FastBreak)
GhostHand (Interact)
Freecam if you break blocks (Interact)
Liquids (Interact)
Some types of Scaffold (Interact/Move)
There are videos showing client X bypassing AAC!
It is unlikely the video was made with the latest AAC and the fully default config. I urge you to test any "bypassing" clients on test.kons.co as that is the only public server with a guaranteed default config and the latest public version of AAC. If it bypasses there, you have my attention.
But wait, I heard that AAC's Killaura detection is easily bypassed!
That strongly depends on how you define "bypassed". What you won't find if you're running AAC is any killaura that gives the user a significant advantage. Some good "smooth aim" or "triggerbot" cheats are undetectable (heuristics are trying its best), no matter what anyone tells you. It's also basically useless, no matter what anyone tells you.
CONFIGURABLE - AAC has a comprehensive configuration file. You can enable or disable any component in AAC. You can change how each one works and you can change the thresholds they work with. If you want unnoticeable, automated hack detection, AAC can do that. If you want tons of information to report to staff to catch hackers faster, AAC can do that too. If you have a lot of staff, and want something to just alert staff, AAC can do that as well. Want to see the config for yourself?
Current Config: https://gist.github.com/konsolas/b283c1a...769c7c2db1
v4.2.1 changed the placeholders and now optionally supports PlaceholderAPI
Want to execute commands/punishments based on certain conditions? Check out Conditional Commands.
AUTOMATED - AAC has a fully automated punishment system. After AAC is certain a player is hacking (the lenience can be configured), the player is automatically kicked. After a configurable number of kicks, that player is automatically banned. Both auto-kick and auto-ban can be turned off completely or modified for your server's existing punishment system.
VERBOSE - AAC can give detailed information about suspected players to staff. Staff with the permission AAC.notify are notified whenever a player is suspected of hacking, but has not been automatically kicked. AAC saves a log file of every failed check, kick and ban. If a player gets kicked, the log file will show the details of why they were kicked. This enables staff to check all the reasons a player was kicked for. Staff with the permission AAC.verbose get to see every detail of AAC's internal workings (also must be enabled in config).
LIGHTWEIGHT - AAC is relatively lightweight. However, keep in mind that AAC does need to process every movement by every player on the server, so it will be by no means completely unnoticeable.
KILLAURA DETECTION - AAC's Killaura detection doesn't "suck". AAC has many intricate methods of detecting Killaura and it successfully blocks advanced clients that give a significant advantage. Hackers are detected even if they limit their FOV, hit with random intervals or try any other tricks. Practically every public client and many private clients in existence are blocked. If it isn't, report it!
GUI - AAC has an easy to use GUI so that your staff can easily manage output sent to them, check statistics on possible hackers, and enable or disable checks in real time, whilst the server is running.
PLACEHOLDRAPI - AAC uses PlaceholderAPI if it is present for the configured threshold commands, allowing for more detailed logs.
Still not convinced?
Heres the IP for a test server where you can join and try out AAC for yourself.
Test Server: test.kons.co
To run AAC, you should be using a Spigot server with Java 8 (Java 7 not supported)
Server Version
AAC v4.0+ supports Spigot versions 1.8.8, 1.12.2, 1.13.2, 1.14.4 (ViaVersion supported)
AAC v4.3+ additionally supports Spigot version 1.15.2.
Spoiler: AAC 3
AAC 3 supported 1.8 - 1.13.2, with older AAC 3 versions of course not supporting the not yet released Minecraft versions.
Spoiler: Versions before 3.0
Prior to AAC v3.0, each version of Minecraft had a unique resource jar. If you choose to stick with older builds (not recommended or supported), find your unique build download in AAC's Version History.
1.8.8: AAC v1.9.10
1.9.4: AAC v2.0.1
1.10: AAC v2.1.1
1.11: None, use v3.0+
AAC requires ProtocolLib to run as a large amount of its work is carried out at the packet level.
Please make sure to run a ProtocolLib 4.x version which supports your server version. It is recommended to not run development builds except if the development build is recommended by ProtocolLib for your server version.
AAC will not work properly with ProtocolLib 3.x!
Spoiler: Versions before 4.0
For AAC v3.x these are the recommended ProtocolLib versions:
1.8.8 1.9.4, 1.10.x: v4.2.0 Build 341
1.11, 1.11.2, 1.12: v4.3.0 Build 373
Older AAC builds before v3.0 require a specific version of ProtocolLib. Make sure you have the obsolete ProtocolLib to run your obsolete AAC. (It may also work with ProtocolLib 4.1 and 4.2)
1.8.8: Build 232
1.9.4: Build 291
1.10: Build 303
AAC is compatible with:
EnchantsPlus (Please note, the author of EnchantsPlus provides this)
Vein Miner (2008Choco)
TokenEnchant (latest versions) if "use_explode_event" is true in TE config
AAC may be incompatible with:
Any plugins that affect block breaking speed without vanilla enchants/potions.
Any plugins that damage other entities for a player (kitpvp abilities)
Any sort of protocol hack (apart from ViaVersion)
Any plugins that affect block interaction out of a player's line of sight.
Item Attributes (Speed attribute)
Bungeecord tab list/nametag plugins
Other plugins that make players seem like they're hacking
Non-vanilla enchantments
Download both AAC and the correct version of ProtocolLib and put both in your plugins folder. AAC requires a full server restart (no /reload or Plugman), an active internet connection and the ability to connect to cloudflare to start up correctly.
See here for a great config guide by Celebrimbor.
The configuration is there for you to tailor to your specific needs. It is recommended you spend some time testing all of your server features that are outside vanilla behavior prior to implementing auto-ban. Take to the AAC Discussion for recommendations on config changes.
When you first install AAC, make sure you and your staff have the permission node AAC.notify. This will allow them to view AACs notifications of possible hackers. In the unlikely event that you do get a false kick, you can increase the threshold value of the conflicted check. If a player is verifiably not a hacker or a plugin was not allowing them to act like a hacker, then report the issue as a bug.
Here's the current AAC configuration, it will be kept up to date so watch the revisions each time you update AAC on your server: https://gist.github.com/konsolas/b283c1a...769c7c2db1
Developer API
AAC has an API, here it is:
Spoiler: AAC API
API-only jars for AAC 3.x and 4.x, updated with each AAC version containing API changes, are available for download here: https://github.com/konsolas/AAC-Issues
These api jars are also available in a maven repository, documented here: https://github.com/konsolas/AAC-Issues#aac-api
This overview only documents the API of the latest version.
Last API changes were in v4.2.0
PlayerViolationEvent: Called when a player is detected for hacking (extends PlayerEvent implements Cancellable)
Code (Java):
import me.konsolas.aac.api.PlayerViolationEvent;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
public class HookAAC extends JavaPlugin implements Listener {
public void onEnable() {
Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this);
public void onPlayerViolation(PlayerViolationEvent e) {
System.out.println("Hack Type: " + e.getHackType());
System.out.println("Player: "+ e.getPlayer().getName());
System.out.println("Message: "+ e.getMessage());
System.out.println("Violations: " + e.getViolations());
// Cancellable
//Violation amount changeable
PlayerViolationCommandEvent: Called when AAC kicks a player. (extends PlayerEvent implements Cancellable)
Code (Java):
import me.konsolas.aac.api.PlayerViolationCommandEvent;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
public class HookAAC extends JavaPlugin implements Listener {
public void onEnable() {
Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this);
public void onPlayerViolationCommand(PlayerViolationCommandEvent e) {
System.out.println("Hack Type: " + e.getHackType());
System.out.println("Player: "+ e.getPlayer().getName());
System.out.println("Command: " + e.getCommand());
// Set the command
e.setCommand("broadcast example command");
// Cancellable
AACAPI (me.konsolas.aac.api.AACAPI)
AACAPI is the interface you can use to interact with AAC's internals when you want to.
Getting the API
You can retrieve an instance of AACAPI with AACAPIProvider.getAPI(). This will return null if AAC was not loaded yet.
void reloadAAC()
Reload all of AAC's checks, and the configuration file. Equivalent to /aacreload in game.
void reloadPermissionCache()
Reload AAC's permission cache for all online players. This forces any changes of the AAC.bypass permission to be noticed. Normally, this permission is refreshed every 20-40 seconds.
void enableCheck(HackType hackType)
Enable a check. HackType enum is self-explanatory.
void disableCheck(HackType hackType)
Disable a check.
boolean isEnabled(HackType hackType)
Returns whether a check is enabled.
double getTPS()
Returns TPS from AAC's TPS meter.
int getPing(Player player)
Returns NMS ping for a player.
int getViolationLevel(Player player, HackType check)
Returns the internal violation level for a specific check, for a specific player. This is shown in the log files, after "VL:"
void setViolationLevel(Player player, HackType check, int newScore);
Sets the internal violation level for a specific check, for a specific player. This is shown in the log files, after "VL:". Any changes applied here will be reflected in commands executed, etc.
boolean log(CommandSender sender, String messageWithPluginName)
Allows plugins to write a log line in behalf of a player or the console to the AAC log file. New in v4.2.0.
Skript bindings
LargeSk by @Nicofisi is a Skript addon which allows to use AAC's API (spoiler above) via Skript.
AAC.bypass: op. Bypass AAC's checks
AAC.reload: op. Allows usage of /aac reload
AAC.status: op. Allows usage of /aac status
AAC.manage: op. Allows usage of /aac manage
AAC.moderator: op. Allows usage of /aac moderator
AAC.notify: op. Send/recieve staff chat and aac's notifications
AAC.verbose: op. Receive detailed information on suspected players
v4.1+ AAC.banvl: op. Allows usage of /aac banvl command
Spoiler: Versions before 4.0
AAC.bypass: op. Bypass AAC's checks
AAC.verbose: op. Receive detailed information on suspected players
AAC.unban: op. Unban players banned by AAC
AAC.ban: op. Ban players
AAC.kick: op. Kill, kick and broadcast a message.
AAC.admin: op. View the admin control panel
AAC.debug: op. Debug a player's actions.
AAC.notify: op. Send/recieve staff chat and aac's notifications
/aac: Shows version of AAC
/aac help: Shows available subcommands
/aac reload: Reload AAC's check and the check-related part of the configuration.
/aac status: Shows current time, amount of online players and lists enabled checks
/aac manage: Shows a gui to enable and disable checks on the fly (not saved to config)
/aac moderator: Shows a gui with a long-term vl overview of online players (might take a longer time for the server to gather all skins of the player heads)
/aac notify [message]: Send a message to all people with the AAC.notify permission. Will be called by the staff chat prefix.
/aac verbose: Toggle verbose output ingame for all players.
v4.2+ /aac verbose [player1] ([player2] ...): Toggle verbose output ingame for specifc players.
v4.1+ /aac banvl [vl] [player] ([info...]): Add vl to permanent violation counter of bans.yml with optional information.
Spoiler: Versions before 4.0
/aac: Shows version of AAC
/aackick [player]: kick kill and broadcast a message
/aacunban [player]: unban a player banned by AAC
/aacban [player]: Ban a player
/aacadmin: view the admin GUI
/aacmoderator: view the moderator GUI (long-term vl overview of online players)
/aacreload: Text-based reload without the GUI
/aacdebug [player]: Save a detailed log file of what that player is doing
/aacstaffnotify [message]: Send a message to all people with the AAC.notify permission. Will be called by the staff chat prefix.
/aacmessage [player] [message]: Send a message to someone starting with the prefix defined in language.yml
/aacverbose: Toggle verbose output for yourself, requires verbose to be enabled in the configuration
up to v3.3.3 /aacdebug [player]: Enable debug logging for a specific player
up to v3.3.3 /aacdebug: Disable debug logging for the debugged player, saving the log in folder plugins/AAC/
v3.3.4-v3.6.4 /aacdebug: Toggle debug logging for all online players, saved on toggling off in folder plugins/AAC/, warning of huge files
To-do list
If something you require is not on this list, please say so on the issue tracker:
Support speed item attributes
Spoiler: FAQ
Will you make it work with 1.7? - No
Can you make the config auto-update? - No
Can I have the source code to optimize for my network/server? - No
AAC Terms of Service
By downloading this plugin, you agree to the following:
Spoiler: AAC ToS
You are not permitted to redistribute the plugin in any form, including as a part of any software package.
You are not permitted to decompile or modify the plugin in any form.
You will not file a chargeback, dispute, or perform any similar action. Doing so will result in your licence revoked along with further action from SpigotMC
The exception to this is if you have already contacted SpigotMC, and they have approved a chargeback. If this is the case, we will gladly refund your money.
You will not use, or facilitate the use of, AAC to develop bypasses or exploits.
We reserve the right to change these Terms at any time, and you agree to abide by the most recent version of this.
Awesome! I love honest resource reviews. However, if you have a problem using AAC, the reviews section is the last place to go and any bug/error or issue posted in a review WILL BE IGNORED! If you want a feature, this definitely isn't the place for it too.
If you want to be heard, use the listed methods in "AAC Support" at the top of this Overview.
Please read ALL of the overview CAREFULLY before purchase!
By purchasing AAC you confirm you have read the entire overview and you agree to the ToS below.
Version Compatibility
AAC is only compatible with Spigot 1.8.8, 1.12.2, 1.13.2, 1.14.4, 1.15.2
AAC does not and will never support 1.7 or earlier versioning.
AAC Support+Requests
Do not use a review to report bugs/errors. Those will be ignored!
For feature requests and reporting errors, bugs and bypasses, utilize the Official Issue Tracker.
When reporting bugs/bypasses, show video from the official test server: test.kons.co
For simple questions about AAC, ask in the resource discussion.
For piracy and resource ownership related issues, PM Konsolas.
For general discussion and support join our Discord group
What is AAC?
AAC is a complete anti-cheat solution for servers blocking every major combat hack, and many others. Here is a video showing AAC vs. the hacked client Wolfram:
Please note, the test server is the only appropriate place to evaluate AAC capabilities. The above video is recorded with AAC v1.9.10 and is outdated.
What can AAC do?
Currently, AAC protects your server from the following hacks:
Spoiler: Hacks Blocked
Please note this is not a comprehensive list of every hack blocked.
Format: Hack/Aliases (Check/Alternative checks)
Fly (Move)
Speed (Move)
Glide (Move)
FastFall (Move)
Spider (Move)
HighJump (Move)
LongJump (Move)
SelfDamage (Move)
MiniJump (Move/Criticals)
Blink (Move/BadPackets)
Jesus (Move)
Timer (Move)
Sneak (Move)
Phase/NoClip (Phase/Move)
Vclip (Phase/Move)
FastLadder (Move)
Some types of derp (Move/Derp)
Some types of step (Move)
Killaura/Forcefield (FightSpeed/Killaura/Hitbox/Move)
Aimbot (Killaura/Move)
Click-Aura (Killaura/Hitbox)
FightBot (Killaura/Hitbox/Move)
Anti-Knockback (Knockback/Move)
Reach (Hitbox/Killaura)
Criticals (Criticals/Move)
FastBow (FastBow/BadPackets/Move)
Regen (Regen/BadPackets/Move)
FastEat (FastUse)
NoPotion/Zoot (BadPackets/Regen/Move)
NoSwing (NoSwing)
ForcePush (BadPackets/Move)
BoatFly - 1.9+ (Move)
ElytraFly - 1.9+ (Move)
Nuker (FastBreak)
FastBreak (FastBreak)
Build (FastPlace)
FastPlace (FastPlace)
CivBreak (FastBreak)
NoSwing (NoSwing)
NoBreakDelay (FastBreak)
GhostHand (Interact)
Freecam if you break blocks (Interact)
Liquids (Interact)
Some types of Scaffold (Interact/Move)
There are videos showing client X bypassing AAC!
It is unlikely the video was made with the latest AAC and the fully default config. I urge you to test any "bypassing" clients on test.kons.co as that is the only public server with a guaranteed default config and the latest public version of AAC. If it bypasses there, you have my attention.
But wait, I heard that AAC's Killaura detection is easily bypassed!
That strongly depends on how you define "bypassed". What you won't find if you're running AAC is any killaura that gives the user a significant advantage. Some good "smooth aim" or "triggerbot" cheats are undetectable (heuristics are trying its best), no matter what anyone tells you. It's also basically useless, no matter what anyone tells you.
CONFIGURABLE - AAC has a comprehensive configuration file. You can enable or disable any component in AAC. You can change how each one works and you can change the thresholds they work with. If you want unnoticeable, automated hack detection, AAC can do that. If you want tons of information to report to staff to catch hackers faster, AAC can do that too. If you have a lot of staff, and want something to just alert staff, AAC can do that as well. Want to see the config for yourself?
Current Config: https://gist.github.com/konsolas/b283c1a...769c7c2db1
v4.2.1 changed the placeholders and now optionally supports PlaceholderAPI
Want to execute commands/punishments based on certain conditions? Check out Conditional Commands.
AUTOMATED - AAC has a fully automated punishment system. After AAC is certain a player is hacking (the lenience can be configured), the player is automatically kicked. After a configurable number of kicks, that player is automatically banned. Both auto-kick and auto-ban can be turned off completely or modified for your server's existing punishment system.
VERBOSE - AAC can give detailed information about suspected players to staff. Staff with the permission AAC.notify are notified whenever a player is suspected of hacking, but has not been automatically kicked. AAC saves a log file of every failed check, kick and ban. If a player gets kicked, the log file will show the details of why they were kicked. This enables staff to check all the reasons a player was kicked for. Staff with the permission AAC.verbose get to see every detail of AAC's internal workings (also must be enabled in config).
LIGHTWEIGHT - AAC is relatively lightweight. However, keep in mind that AAC does need to process every movement by every player on the server, so it will be by no means completely unnoticeable.
KILLAURA DETECTION - AAC's Killaura detection doesn't "suck". AAC has many intricate methods of detecting Killaura and it successfully blocks advanced clients that give a significant advantage. Hackers are detected even if they limit their FOV, hit with random intervals or try any other tricks. Practically every public client and many private clients in existence are blocked. If it isn't, report it!
GUI - AAC has an easy to use GUI so that your staff can easily manage output sent to them, check statistics on possible hackers, and enable or disable checks in real time, whilst the server is running.
PLACEHOLDRAPI - AAC uses PlaceholderAPI if it is present for the configured threshold commands, allowing for more detailed logs.
Still not convinced?
Heres the IP for a test server where you can join and try out AAC for yourself.
Test Server: test.kons.co
To run AAC, you should be using a Spigot server with Java 8 (Java 7 not supported)
Server Version
AAC v4.0+ supports Spigot versions 1.8.8, 1.12.2, 1.13.2, 1.14.4 (ViaVersion supported)
AAC v4.3+ additionally supports Spigot version 1.15.2.
Spoiler: AAC 3
AAC 3 supported 1.8 - 1.13.2, with older AAC 3 versions of course not supporting the not yet released Minecraft versions.
Spoiler: Versions before 3.0
Prior to AAC v3.0, each version of Minecraft had a unique resource jar. If you choose to stick with older builds (not recommended or supported), find your unique build download in AAC's Version History.
1.8.8: AAC v1.9.10
1.9.4: AAC v2.0.1
1.10: AAC v2.1.1
1.11: None, use v3.0+
AAC requires ProtocolLib to run as a large amount of its work is carried out at the packet level.
Please make sure to run a ProtocolLib 4.x version which supports your server version. It is recommended to not run development builds except if the development build is recommended by ProtocolLib for your server version.
AAC will not work properly with ProtocolLib 3.x!
Spoiler: Versions before 4.0
For AAC v3.x these are the recommended ProtocolLib versions:
1.8.8 1.9.4, 1.10.x: v4.2.0 Build 341
1.11, 1.11.2, 1.12: v4.3.0 Build 373
Older AAC builds before v3.0 require a specific version of ProtocolLib. Make sure you have the obsolete ProtocolLib to run your obsolete AAC. (It may also work with ProtocolLib 4.1 and 4.2)
1.8.8: Build 232
1.9.4: Build 291
1.10: Build 303
AAC is compatible with:
EnchantsPlus (Please note, the author of EnchantsPlus provides this)
Vein Miner (2008Choco)
TokenEnchant (latest versions) if "use_explode_event" is true in TE config
AAC may be incompatible with:
Any plugins that affect block breaking speed without vanilla enchants/potions.
Any plugins that damage other entities for a player (kitpvp abilities)
Any sort of protocol hack (apart from ViaVersion)
Any plugins that affect block interaction out of a player's line of sight.
Item Attributes (Speed attribute)
Bungeecord tab list/nametag plugins
Other plugins that make players seem like they're hacking
Non-vanilla enchantments
Download both AAC and the correct version of ProtocolLib and put both in your plugins folder. AAC requires a full server restart (no /reload or Plugman), an active internet connection and the ability to connect to cloudflare to start up correctly.
See here for a great config guide by Celebrimbor.
The configuration is there for you to tailor to your specific needs. It is recommended you spend some time testing all of your server features that are outside vanilla behavior prior to implementing auto-ban. Take to the AAC Discussion for recommendations on config changes.
When you first install AAC, make sure you and your staff have the permission node AAC.notify. This will allow them to view AACs notifications of possible hackers. In the unlikely event that you do get a false kick, you can increase the threshold value of the conflicted check. If a player is verifiably not a hacker or a plugin was not allowing them to act like a hacker, then report the issue as a bug.
Here's the current AAC configuration, it will be kept up to date so watch the revisions each time you update AAC on your server: https://gist.github.com/konsolas/b283c1a...769c7c2db1
Developer API
AAC has an API, here it is:
Spoiler: AAC API
API-only jars for AAC 3.x and 4.x, updated with each AAC version containing API changes, are available for download here: https://github.com/konsolas/AAC-Issues
These api jars are also available in a maven repository, documented here: https://github.com/konsolas/AAC-Issues#aac-api
This overview only documents the API of the latest version.
Last API changes were in v4.2.0
PlayerViolationEvent: Called when a player is detected for hacking (extends PlayerEvent implements Cancellable)
Code (Java):
import me.konsolas.aac.api.PlayerViolationEvent;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
public class HookAAC extends JavaPlugin implements Listener {
public void onEnable() {
Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this);
public void onPlayerViolation(PlayerViolationEvent e) {
System.out.println("Hack Type: " + e.getHackType());
System.out.println("Player: "+ e.getPlayer().getName());
System.out.println("Message: "+ e.getMessage());
System.out.println("Violations: " + e.getViolations());
// Cancellable
//Violation amount changeable
PlayerViolationCommandEvent: Called when AAC kicks a player. (extends PlayerEvent implements Cancellable)
Code (Java):
import me.konsolas.aac.api.PlayerViolationCommandEvent;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
public class HookAAC extends JavaPlugin implements Listener {
public void onEnable() {
Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this);
public void onPlayerViolationCommand(PlayerViolationCommandEvent e) {
System.out.println("Hack Type: " + e.getHackType());
System.out.println("Player: "+ e.getPlayer().getName());
System.out.println("Command: " + e.getCommand());
// Set the command
e.setCommand("broadcast example command");
// Cancellable
AACAPI (me.konsolas.aac.api.AACAPI)
AACAPI is the interface you can use to interact with AAC's internals when you want to.
Getting the API
You can retrieve an instance of AACAPI with AACAPIProvider.getAPI(). This will return null if AAC was not loaded yet.
void reloadAAC()
Reload all of AAC's checks, and the configuration file. Equivalent to /aacreload in game.
void reloadPermissionCache()
Reload AAC's permission cache for all online players. This forces any changes of the AAC.bypass permission to be noticed. Normally, this permission is refreshed every 20-40 seconds.
void enableCheck(HackType hackType)
Enable a check. HackType enum is self-explanatory.
void disableCheck(HackType hackType)
Disable a check.
boolean isEnabled(HackType hackType)
Returns whether a check is enabled.
double getTPS()
Returns TPS from AAC's TPS meter.
int getPing(Player player)
Returns NMS ping for a player.
int getViolationLevel(Player player, HackType check)
Returns the internal violation level for a specific check, for a specific player. This is shown in the log files, after "VL:"
void setViolationLevel(Player player, HackType check, int newScore);
Sets the internal violation level for a specific check, for a specific player. This is shown in the log files, after "VL:". Any changes applied here will be reflected in commands executed, etc.
boolean log(CommandSender sender, String messageWithPluginName)
Allows plugins to write a log line in behalf of a player or the console to the AAC log file. New in v4.2.0.
Skript bindings
LargeSk by @Nicofisi is a Skript addon which allows to use AAC's API (spoiler above) via Skript.
AAC.bypass: op. Bypass AAC's checks
AAC.reload: op. Allows usage of /aac reload
AAC.status: op. Allows usage of /aac status
AAC.manage: op. Allows usage of /aac manage
AAC.moderator: op. Allows usage of /aac moderator
AAC.notify: op. Send/recieve staff chat and aac's notifications
AAC.verbose: op. Receive detailed information on suspected players
v4.1+ AAC.banvl: op. Allows usage of /aac banvl command
Spoiler: Versions before 4.0
AAC.bypass: op. Bypass AAC's checks
AAC.verbose: op. Receive detailed information on suspected players
AAC.unban: op. Unban players banned by AAC
AAC.ban: op. Ban players
AAC.kick: op. Kill, kick and broadcast a message.
AAC.admin: op. View the admin control panel
AAC.debug: op. Debug a player's actions.
AAC.notify: op. Send/recieve staff chat and aac's notifications
/aac: Shows version of AAC
/aac help: Shows available subcommands
/aac reload: Reload AAC's check and the check-related part of the configuration.
/aac status: Shows current time, amount of online players and lists enabled checks
/aac manage: Shows a gui to enable and disable checks on the fly (not saved to config)
/aac moderator: Shows a gui with a long-term vl overview of online players (might take a longer time for the server to gather all skins of the player heads)
/aac notify [message]: Send a message to all people with the AAC.notify permission. Will be called by the staff chat prefix.
/aac verbose: Toggle verbose output ingame for all players.
v4.2+ /aac verbose [player1] ([player2] ...): Toggle verbose output ingame for specifc players.
v4.1+ /aac banvl [vl] [player] ([info...]): Add vl to permanent violation counter of bans.yml with optional information.
Spoiler: Versions before 4.0
/aac: Shows version of AAC
/aackick [player]: kick kill and broadcast a message
/aacunban [player]: unban a player banned by AAC
/aacban [player]: Ban a player
/aacadmin: view the admin GUI
/aacmoderator: view the moderator GUI (long-term vl overview of online players)
/aacreload: Text-based reload without the GUI
/aacdebug [player]: Save a detailed log file of what that player is doing
/aacstaffnotify [message]: Send a message to all people with the AAC.notify permission. Will be called by the staff chat prefix.
/aacmessage [player] [message]: Send a message to someone starting with the prefix defined in language.yml
/aacverbose: Toggle verbose output for yourself, requires verbose to be enabled in the configuration
up to v3.3.3 /aacdebug [player]: Enable debug logging for a specific player
up to v3.3.3 /aacdebug: Disable debug logging for the debugged player, saving the log in folder plugins/AAC/
v3.3.4-v3.6.4 /aacdebug: Toggle debug logging for all online players, saved on toggling off in folder plugins/AAC/, warning of huge files
To-do list
If something you require is not on this list, please say so on the issue tracker:
Support speed item attributes
Spoiler: FAQ
Will you make it work with 1.7? - No
Can you make the config auto-update? - No
Can I have the source code to optimize for my network/server? - No
AAC Terms of Service
By downloading this plugin, you agree to the following:
Spoiler: AAC ToS
You are not permitted to redistribute the plugin in any form, including as a part of any software package.
You are not permitted to decompile or modify the plugin in any form.
You will not file a chargeback, dispute, or perform any similar action. Doing so will result in your licence revoked along with further action from SpigotMC
The exception to this is if you have already contacted SpigotMC, and they have approved a chargeback. If this is the case, we will gladly refund your money.
You will not use, or facilitate the use of, AAC to develop bypasses or exploits.
We reserve the right to change these Terms at any time, and you agree to abide by the most recent version of this.
Awesome! I love honest resource reviews. However, if you have a problem using AAC, the reviews section is the last place to go and any bug/error or issue posted in a review WILL BE IGNORED! If you want a feature, this definitely isn't the place for it too.
If you want to be heard, use the listed methods in "AAC Support" at the top of this Overview.
RE: AAC (Advanced Anti Cheat) (Hack & Kill aura Blocker) 4.3.12
01-07-2020, 07:31 PM
#2 thx a lot man, i love u. I will use it and add feedback
RE: AAC (Advanced Anti Cheat) (Hack & Kill aura Blocker) 4.3.12
02-07-2020, 09:40 PM
#3 thank you so much dawg <3 you're a massive lifesaver
RE: AAC (Advanced Anti Cheat) (Hack & Kill aura Blocker) 4.3.12
17-07-2020, 03:04 AM
#4 Thank you, I will use it on my server, there are many hackers. . .
RE: AAC (Advanced Anti Cheat) (Hack & Kill aura Blocker) 4.3.12
17-07-2020, 09:00 AM
#5 Thanks, I was just looking for an anti-cheat friend for his server ...
RE: AAC (Advanced Anti Cheat) (Hack & Kill aura Blocker) 4.3.12
29-10-2020, 07:08 PM
#6 Thank you, i've been looking for one, but all of the links were invalid :(
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