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Advice Needed For dropshippimg business

Submitted by samishaikhgd, , Thread ID: 109099

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14-12-2018, 03:52 PM
Hey everyone i hope everyone fine. I m trying to do work on dropshippimg who has any knowledge and tips share with me your personal expirence dont redirect me to any posts

RE: For dropshippimg business

Active Member
14-12-2018, 08:48 PM
Things you absolutely need:
  • Social Media
  • Useful apps on your webstore
  • An attractive webstore
  • The right niche

Social Media
Social media will be absolutely essential to your success as a dropshipper. Networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can and will help you drive traffic to your store. If you advertise to the correct target audience and have quality adverts, getting traffic to convert won't be a problem. The issue is FINDING that traffic. It will take a while to laser in your audience but once you have found a solid source of converting customers it will get a lot easier.

Useful apps to have on your webstore
If you are not using Shopify, just ignore this bit. Shopify is the only e-commerce platform I have experience in so I'm not sure about the others.
Here is a short list of apps that are worth checking out along with their descriptions:

Oberlois a way to easily find suppliers for your dropshipping store. It allows you to import products from AliExpress as well as products from Oberlo's own verified suppliers. It's a super simple process, and it allows you to set the prices as you see fit.

Kitis only useful if you have Facebook page for your dropshipping business. It's an AI that links with your store and Facebook page to make automated posts, advertisements, and more. It's easy to setup and makes communicating on social media platforms all that much easier.

Sales Popcreates little notifications on a corner of your customers screen for when a purchase is placed. You have likely seen something like this before while browsing other stores online. I little box comes up saying something along the lines of "NoodleCat from NulledBB just purchased a tapestry." This creates buyer confidence because they see that they are not the only ones purchasing products on the site, and that can be the extra push to convince them to make a purchase.

MyReviewfy, or any other review appis the last app I will recommend for your store, but it is probably the most important. Reviews of your products are also incredibly important as they can help to boost conversions in the future. I know that personally I am much less likely to purchase an item online if there are no reviews for it. In fact, I would be willing to find another store selling the same product if they have reviews for it on their website. You can offer an incentive to your customers for leaving a review to make them more likely to post one. Another option is leave a couple mock reviews yourself but some may view that to be a little shady so be careful with it.

Have an attractive webstore!
No one is going to want to buy anything from your store if it looks as though it was thrown together in an hour or if there are errors all over the place. Take some time when setting your website up, and make it look good. The more attractive your site is the more likely you are to be successful with conversions. Build something that will impress people, and test it with family and friends.

Know your niche
The last piece of advise I will give you is to know your niche market. This is incredibly important and is literally the only way you will get sales.
What niche market are you trying to get into? A few pretty large niche markets that are prevalent with drop shipping are fitness products, apparel, jewelry, and home decor products. This is just a shortlist and there are PLENTY more to chose from. The best recommendation I have for this category is to do some research with Google Analytics and other websites to see what people are searching for and buying. Once you get a pretty solid list of niche markets, pick the one that interests you the most. You want to be selling products that you'd be buying yourself. It will make everything much easier as you can use yourself as a reference for whether or not particular products will be successful.

A few other things...
Make sure that your ToS, Privacy Policy, etc are all CLEARLY defined and easily accessible on your website. Know your return policy, and make sure that none of these documents are too difficult to understand.

Note that dropshipping is not something that is going to make you money overnight. It's a pretty long and arduous process and you're going to want to give up at a lot of points. I've been trying to setup a successful store for a couple months now and I have yet to have any solid sales because I simply ran out of time with classes starting back up again.

Apologies if there are any typos in the post or if some of it doesn't make sense. I didn't intend for the post to be so large and get carried away. If you have any questions let me know.

RE: For dropshippimg business

15-12-2018, 11:35 PM
14-12-2018, 08:48 PM
NoodleCat Wrote:
Things you absolutely need:
  • Social Media
  • Useful apps on your webstore
  • An attractive webstore
  • The right niche

Social Media
Social media will be absolutely essential to your success as a dropshipper. Networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can and will help you drive traffic to your store. If you advertise to the correct target audience and have quality adverts, getting traffic to convert won't be a problem. The issue is FINDING that traffic. It will take a while to laser in your audience but once you have found a solid source of converting customers it will get a lot easier.

Useful apps to have on your webstore
If you are not using Shopify, just ignore this bit. Shopify is the only e-commerce platform I have experience in so I'm not sure about the others.
Here is a short list of apps that are worth checking out along with their descriptions:

Oberlois a way to easily find suppliers for your dropshipping store. It allows you to import products from AliExpress as well as products from Oberlo's own verified suppliers. It's a super simple process, and it allows you to set the prices as you see fit.

Kitis only useful if you have Facebook page for your dropshipping business. It's an AI that links with your store and Facebook page to make automated posts, advertisements, and more. It's easy to setup and makes communicating on social media platforms all that much easier.

Sales Popcreates little notifications on a corner of your customers screen for when a purchase is placed. You have likely seen something like this before while browsing other stores online. I little box comes up saying something along the lines of "NoodleCat from NulledBB just purchased a tapestry." This creates buyer confidence because they see that they are not the only ones purchasing products on the site, and that can be the extra push to convince them to make a purchase.

MyReviewfy, or any other review appis the last app I will recommend for your store, but it is probably the most important. Reviews of your products are also incredibly important as they can help to boost conversions in the future. I know that personally I am much less likely to purchase an item online if there are no reviews for it. In fact, I would be willing to find another store selling the same product if they have reviews for it on their website. You can offer an incentive to your customers for leaving a review to make them more likely to post one. Another option is leave a couple mock reviews yourself but some may view that to be a little shady so be careful with it.

Have an attractive webstore!
No one is going to want to buy anything from your store if it looks as though it was thrown together in an hour or if there are errors all over the place. Take some time when setting your website up, and make it look good. The more attractive your site is the more likely you are to be successful with conversions. Build something that will impress people, and test it with family and friends.

Know your niche
The last piece of advise I will give you is to know your niche market. This is incredibly important and is literally the only way you will get sales.
What niche market are you trying to get into? A few pretty large niche markets that are prevalent with drop shipping are fitness products, apparel, jewelry, and home decor products. This is just a shortlist and there are PLENTY more to chose from. The best recommendation I have for this category is to do some research with Google Analytics and other websites to see what people are searching for and buying. Once you get a pretty solid list of niche markets, pick the one that interests you the most. You want to be selling products that you'd be buying yourself. It will make everything much easier as you can use yourself as a reference for whether or not particular products will be successful.

A few other things...
Make sure that your ToS, Privacy Policy, etc are all CLEARLY defined and easily accessible on your website. Know your return policy, and make sure that none of these documents are too difficult to understand.

Note that dropshipping is not something that is going to make you money overnight. It's a pretty long and arduous process and you're going to want to give up at a lot of points. I've been trying to setup a successful store for a couple months now and I have yet to have any solid sales because I simply ran out of time with classes starting back up again.

Apologies if there are any typos in the post or if some of it doesn't make sense. I didn't intend for the post to be so large and get carried away. If you have any questions let me know.

Thanks you so much information you gave me it is awesome and impressive thanks for your time Smile

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