Name: Demo: Credits: ExtremsX (Emulator and crack the Customer) and (Client)
Note: My forte is not C #, so do not expect much The code can be optimized in several places I'm releasing the code as it has some part that I'm not good at doing (trigonometry) All code generated from that will be released openly, otherwise create your 0 I'm not getting paid to create this server, so do not expect constant updates You can post anywhere else, only keep the credits Any code marketing is not allowed. Have fun
Credits: ExtremsX: crack client and server emulator Customer
Quote:Sometimes the cell makes it out of the realm Some cells are created outside the realm A cell is no longer eating another cell
Quote:The drive when the cell is divided is poor The cell does not divide when it hits a virus When one expel a mass, this mass can leave the arena The virus grows Mode Team Several Packets do not yet exist Update client to version 502
Change log
Version 1:
Quote:Moving a cell Expel mass Split cell Food Eating food Virus Ranking
Version 2
Quote:Created a simple system LOG Now one cell can eat the other The skins were added
Quote:Version 4 Client updated version 502 Small configuration file for the site Configuration system changed to .xml file server Optimizing the movement of cells , the cells are now grouped by the owner , and the data of only those who have close he is sent Correction in the amount of players playing Changes in the refresh rate was changed to 23 updates per second
Quote:version 5
Virus can be fed and split Fixed error when updating the amount of players getting negative