Here you can download the latest and greatest version of UI.X!
Upload content of "upload" directoy to your XF's root directory
From AdminCP add addon: "addon-uix.xml"
Upgrading (IMPORTANT):
If you are upgrading, please be sure to disable the add-on before uploading the new files. If you do, you will need to add $config['enableListeners'] = 0; to your library/config.php file, then upgrade and remove that line.or follow the following tutorial:
Go to "library/config.php" in your XF's root directory and add the following line:Codeconfig['enableListeners'] = 0;
Upload content of "upload" directoy to your XF's root directory(overwrite the existing files!)
Go to AdminCP and click on "Upgrade Add-on" and upload the latest "addon-uix.xml"
Once installation is finished, go to "library/config.php" in your XF's root directory and change "$config['enableListeners'] = 0;" to "$config['enableListeners'] =1;"(otherwise your listensers will remain disabled)
All done!
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