Minecraft Leaks

AutoCast 1.17

Submitted by dextroyer, , Thread ID: 95657

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16-07-2018, 01:35 PM
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[Image: 8B0IWmY.png]

AutoCast is a easy to use, advanced and well optimized broadcasting system. With many unique features it's the best autobroadcasting plugin available.

I hope you'll enjoy reading this page, peace out.

[Image: bCW3m5x.png]

Autocast contains a ton of features and customization, this list will give you a rough idea of what AutoCast is capable of.
  • Unlimited messages
  • PlaceholderAPI support
  • Sounds, Particles, Permissions and commands per message
  • (Animated) Title/subtitle support
  • (Animated) Actionbar support
  • (Animated) Bossbar support
  • JSON message (Wich means messages are clickable, and you can hover over them to get more information)
  • Different clicktypes (When you click a message it could open a link, or execute a command)
  • Book support (This will open a book with text upon a message)
  • World blacklist
  • aSynchronous data fetching/sending, so it doesn't affect any of the server performance
  • MOTD on join
  • Everything is customizable
THIS will give you a idea about what is going on.

[Image: KYPKRH5.png]

Outdated video (By me)

[Image: cXaaTkd.png]

Default configuration file:
Code (Text):

# Welcome to this new revolutionary AutoCast plugin
# This plugin is the most customizable Auto-broadcasting plugin ever.
# I hope you like it!
# Don't forget to vote
# Note: To disable sounds, particles, permissions, hover, or clicks. Please set them to NONE and don't clear the fields
# Note: Particles only work on 1.9+

Delay: 60
# Delay in seconds

MinimumPlayers: 1
# Minimum players before a AutoCast gets casted.
# Set to 0 to disable

ConsoleOutput: true
# Should the messages be put out in the console?

TogglePermission: 'ac.toggle'
# Permission to toggle the autobroadcasts either on or off

ReloadPermission: 'ac.reload'
# Permission to reload the config/data file

ForcecastPermission: 'ac.force'
# Permission to force a autobroadcast message

NotifyPermission: 'ac.update'
# Permission to recieve a update message

ListPermission: 'ac.list'
# Permission to view the messages list

PreviewPermission: 'ac.preview'
# Permission to preview messages

NoPermissionMessage: '&7[&c&lError&7]: You dont have permissions to execute this command.'
# Message when the specified player doesn't have the needed permission

AlreadyState: '&7[&c&lError&7]: AutoCast is already %state%'
# Message when the autobroadcasts are already enabled/disabled
# Note: %state will be replaced with enabled or disabled

UnknownArgument: '&7[&c&lError&7]: You specified an unknown argument'
# Message when you type a wrong command

UnknownMessage: '&7[&c&lError&7]: That message is unknown'
# Message when you specified an unknown message

NotaPlayer: '&7[&c&lError&7]: You arent a player!'
# Message when you aren't a player when it's needed

ChangedState: '&7[&a&lAutoCast&7]: AutoCast is now %state%'
# Message when you change the state
# Note: %state% will be replaced with enabled or disabled

# Note: To disable certain functions, please enter NONE
# Can be anything BUT cant be the same as something else!
Enabled: true
# Declares if a message is enabled or not
- '&0&m---------------[-&r &a&lAutoCast &0&m-]---------------&r'
- '&a Thanks for downloading AutoCast!'
- '&a Currently %server_online% player(s) are playing on this server'
- '&a Click on me to see the full list of players!'
- '&0&m-----------------------------------------------------&r'
# Messages for the broadcast, supports placeholders
# Make sure to use correct sounds
Particle: 'FLAME'
# Particle played on broadcast
Permission: 'NONE'
# Permission to see the message
- 'me loves AutoCast!'
- 'give %player% dirt 1'
Hover: '&a&lClick on me to see the online players'
# Hover message
ClickType: 'COMMAND'
Click: 'list'
# Command/Link/Suggestion opened on click
# 1.9+
# Set title or subtitle to NONE to disable
1: '&aF'
2: '&aFe'
3: '&aFet'
4: '&aFetc'
5: '&aFetch'
6: '&aFetchi'
7: '&aFetchin'
8: '&aFetching'
9: '&aFetching p'
10: '&aFetching pi'
11: '&aFetching pin'
12: '&aFetching ping'
13: '&aFetching ping.'
14: '&aFetching ping..'
15: '&aFetching ping...'
16: '&aYour ping is %player_ping%ms'
17: '&aYour ping is %player_ping%ms'
18: '&aYour ping is %player_ping%ms'
19: '&aYour ping is %player_ping%ms'
# Please use the same amount of messages as Title, otherwise it wouldn't work
1: '&cTh'
2: '&cThis'
3: '&cThis ma'
4: '&cThis may t'
5: '&cThis may tak'
6: '&cThis may take a'
7: '&cThis may take a se'
8: '&cThis may take a seco'
9: '&cThis may take a second'
10: '&cThis may take a second'
11: '&cThis may take a second'
12: '&cThis may take a second'
13: '&cThis may take a second'
14: '&cThis may take a second'
15: '&cThis may take a second'
16: '&r'
17: '&r'
18: '&r'
19: '&r'
Stay: 80
# How long should the title stay here (In ticks)
# It will divide this by the amount of titles you have
# 1.9.2+, PlaceholderAPI support
# To disable set first line to NONE
1: '&aA'
2: '&aAu'
3: '&aAut'
4: '&aAuto'
5: '&aAutoC'
6: '&aAutoCa'
7: '&aAutoCas'
8: '&aAutoCast'
ActionBarDelay: 5
# Time in ticks, how fast should it update?
- 'example'
# Worlds where this message is blocked
BookText: 'NONE'
# Text in the book, set to NONE to disable and use \n to make a new line
# Also PlaceholderAPI support here!
Message: '&cH'
Color: 'PINK'
Message: '&aHe'
Color: 'WHITE'
Message: '&bHel'
Color: 'BLUE'
Message: '&6Hell'
Color: 'RED'
Message: '&9Hello'
Color: 'YELLOW'
BossbarStay: 5
# How long should the bossbar stay?

# Broadcast command settings:

BroadcastPermission: 'ac.bc'
# Permission to do /bc

BroadcastLayout: '&7[&a&lAutoCast&7]: %message%'
# Message when you broadcast something
# Note: %message% will be replaced with the typed message
# Note2: %player% will be replaced with the player name

BroadcastSound: 'ENTITY_BLAZE_SHOOT'
# Message that will sound on a broadcast

# MOTD settings

MOTDEnabled: true

Message: '&7[&a&lAutoCast&7]: Welcome to this server!'
# Line 1 of the message
Hover: '&7Yeah, welcome'
ClickType: 'NONE'
Click: 'NONE'
# What should it do on click?
Message: '&7%server_online% players online, click on me to see them all!'
Hover: '&7Yep, all of them'
ClickType: 'COMMAND'
Click: 'list'
Message: '&7Click on me to join the disocrd'
Hover: '&7You are welcome'
ClickType: 'LINK'
Click: '[[disallowed website]]'

Delay: 100
# Delay in seconds devided by the length of the titles
1: '&4W'
2: '&cWe'
3: '&eWel'
4: '&6Welc'
5: '&2Welco'
6: '&aWelcom'
7: '&bWelcome'
8: '&3Welcome'
9: '&1Welcome'
10: '&9Welcome'
11: '&dWelcome'
12: '&5Welcome'
13: '&fWelcome'
14: '&7Welcome'
15: '&8Welcome'
16: '&0Welcome'
1: '&4B'
2: '&cBa'
3: '&eBac'
4: '&6Back'
5: '&2Back'
6: '&aBack'
7: '&bBack'
8: '&3Back'
9: '&1Back'
10: '&9Back'
11: '&dBack'
12: '&5Back'
13: '&fBack'
14: '&7Back'
15: '&9Back'
16: '&0Back'

[Image: dzYIFd8.png]

  • /autocast (Alias: /ac)
    • Base command of the plugin
  • /autocast (on/off/enable/disable/toggle)
    • This will turn the autobroadcasting messages either on or off
    • Permission: ac.toggle (Customizable)
  • /autocast reload
    • Reinitializes the plugin
    • Permission: ac.reload (Customizable)
  • /autocast list
    • Show all the messages in a list
    • Permission: ac.list (Customizable)
  • /autocast preview (message)
    • Previews a message for the sender only
    • Permission: ac.preview (Customizable)
  • /broadcast (Alias: /bc, /shout)
    • Broadcasts a specified message
    • Permission ac.bc (Customizable)
[Image: CWIdq6D.png]
  • You may not sell, reupload, or send my plugin to anyone else.
  • You may not reproduce any of my code in your plugin
  • You may not decompile this plugin
  • No refunds were given, no matter what.
  • I may change this when I want to
Before rating bad, contact me on one of the following ways:
  • Discord: InstantlyMoist#5807
  • Skype: blijschaap
  • Spigot PM
  • Discuss section
Thanks for reading, if you appriciate my time and work, please donate at paypal.me/MoistDev

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