League Of Legends

Best beginner champion?

Submitted by SpacePlay, , Thread ID: 174300

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RE: Best beginner champion?

Garen is a very good beginner friendly champ to play. Very easy mechanics to get ahold of and is overall a very good character. If you play Garen you should play top lane most likely.

RE: Best beginner champion?

I think tanking top laners are a decent way to go, someone like Garen is easy to learn.

RE: Best beginner champion?

Most tanks really. Unless those that cant rely on themselves and are teammates dependent.

So no shit like braum. Rather take Garen, Malphite, Jax/Tryndamere (splitpushing mostly), Darius, Singed, Mundo.

I would suggest Garen, Mundo, Malphite mostly for tanks. There is also Sett being OP atm and relatively tanky while dealing a lot of damages.

As for AP carry, Malzahar, relatively safe due to its passive but take care, he got slow MS. He can follow up ganks easily, he can one shot with its combo if properly done, he can sustain mana on lane while dealing damages, harder to gank, he's also really great at waveclearing and maintaining a lane.

Veigar is also great, relatively safe due to its damages and his ult that can one shot in case of issues and his big cage that can stun everyone that touches the border.

Ziggs, cause he is able to securely maintain a lane without exposing himself much if at all, he's long distance and his waveclearing is quite good.

Annie and Morgana if you feel like you can touch your spells, Annie is relatiely noob friendly and can one shot as well with a full combo as well as stunning even in AoE. Morgana however relies on a skillshot, but she got a pretty good waveclearing, has a shield that makes her harder to kill/gank.

As for AD carry, easier would be Caitlyn due to her range imo. That makes her relatively safe and not so hard to play mechanically.
Otherwise, Ashe, Miss Fortune.

Ezreal is amongst the strongest and safest ADC but he's pure skillshots, if you feel like you can land your skillshots, the mechanics themselves arent that hard so go for it. He has damage, escape/engage, poke.

And jungle, Rammus, literally braindead. Zac, braindead too. Sett.

But if you wanna learn the game, dont take a "beginner" champion. Check champions, how they work, what their kit is like (their spells/mechanics) if you think they look good, even if they are hard, go for it.
You wont learn shit playing Garen all day, you'd win, but wouldnt learn much.

Faker also recommends beginners to play Twisted Fate midlane for a specific reason, learning map awareness.

I may have forgot some but you've got a clear idea of what you can play.

RE: Best beginner champion?

Ashe bot, blitz sup, annie mid, trynd top. dont got jungle if your a beginner gg ez

RE: Best beginner champion?

It most depends on how you like play. If you like middle of fight then tank like Rammus will be fun, if you like more far away than marksman like Ashe is good start.

RE: Best beginner champion?

Master Yi i think, because he is soo damn easy to play you can learn how to use it.

RE: Best beginner champion?

The best champion to start playing would say that it is miss fortune or yi, they are the ones who hit the most

RE: Best beginner champion?

Depends on your position. I always say some one like Lux or ashe is always a safe pick

RE: Best beginner champion?

? , ?

RE: Best beginner champion?

I'm seeing a lot of people suggesting tanks, but I honestly found them very weird to play?
I played a while ago, but I found Annie a fun character to learn/play, since she could be support or mid (not good for that these days, I think), had a relatively simple mechanic (balancing her charges), and had a nice mana-recharging Q for good farming.
The trick is to find a playstyle you like and then branch out from there.

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