So basically today at around 7PM or something I joined this random server with the lowest ping on DarkRP called Ass fuck Ass something, and when I joined it I think it gave me like some sort of virus, hacks or whatever
So I left the server after that mess I joined, renembered to compliment the owner on my way out too but when I get on singleplayer to test out addons I found on the Recent category of the Gmod workshop basically I just keep on getting spawn killed by something called an "unconnected player" then after that in the console I found an error like this "Client sending to server with no netchannel! (x2)"
I don't actually know what the problem is and I've cleared the cache folder of stuff I downloaded from servers and lua files, and even did a verification for the game - verify file integrity or something of the sort
I even unbinded all my stuff and resetted it back to default, but nothing was working and I was still getting spawn killed by an unconnected something entity something
Does anybody know what's going on after I just joined a very hacker-esque server that had me automatically chatting in my VAC ban status and discord links of his servers or whatever