voltaic Wrote: Anyone ever have those days where you feel like it was just so pointless and boring...
Sounds like a normal day to me.
Usually my days feel full and like I've gotten something done. Today has been alot of trial and error installing apache, mysql and shit and for me since i'm a noob has been quite a bit of trial and error, needless to say I got it done, just doesn't feel like I did much though.
voltaic Wrote: Anyone ever have those days where you feel like it was just so pointless and boring...
Sounds like a normal day to me.
Usually my days feel full and like I've gotten something done. Today has been alot of trial and error installing apache, mysql and shit and for me since i'm a noob has been quite a bit of trial and error, needless to say I got it done, just doesn't feel like I did much though.
Well, at least you managed to install it at last? That's my daily business so I'm done installing LAMP within 5 minutes.
04-06-2016, 06:29 PM
Muinuissalty Wrote: hey does anyone know that one song that goes like "BOOM". anyone know that one?