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Cigarettes or Alcohol ???

Submitted by PEGA5U5, , Thread ID: 141671

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RE: Cigarettes or Alcohol ???

Cigarettes, I find it better to waste my time with than Alcohol.

RE: Cigarettes or Alcohol ???

None of them. Better start vaping and stop smoking and drinking. Tongue

RE: Cigarettes or Alcohol ???

Alcohol because i dont want to get lung cancer or something like that. I know alcohol is not undangerous but i dring alcohol 2 times in one month.

RE: Cigarettes or Alcohol ???

Remember having this debate in health class last year, I stood in the middle and the teacher asked what I thought. I responded with saying fuck both of them, just smoke a joint and forget about either of them.

RE: Cigarettes or Alcohol ???

Possibly none of those, ypu would not be able to quit, and if you do, you could relapse amd then it is practiically game over for you without some help.

RE: Cigarettes or Alcohol ???

I would go for none. Just water. Never smoked but used to drink when I was younger but now it just kind of got boring and ehh. But dont have anything against people who do smoke or drink.

RE: Cigarettes or Alcohol ???

Both. i swear to god i love the feeling of smoking while i'm drunk its the best
sometimes i only get drunk just bcuz i wanna smoke and feel that way again

RE: Cigarettes or Alcohol ???

Both. Cigarettes feels really good when you crack a cold one

RE: Cigarettes or Alcohol ???

Honestly neither, because either or will kill you in the long term if you proceed. If I started smoking cigs it would kill me, my lungs are already shit from asthma.

RE: Cigarettes or Alcohol ???

i smoke like a pack of a day, lm's and marlboro :>>

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