A cheap script where you can create clans and manage it. Features: 路 Admin menu where you can create the clans, manage them, view some info of them, add players, edit the name of the clan, set an amount of money in the safe, add players, kick them, manage furniture... 路 Member menu where you can see the principal information, like the name, the id of the clan, the date of creation... 路 A leader menu where you can see the principal information, like the name, the id of the clan, the date of creation... and you can also add players to you clan and rank them up to leader or rank them down to member. 路 Furniture: 聽 - Cupboard: you can store items and weapons in. 聽 - Safe: store money of the clan. All members can see and deposit, but only the leader can withdraw money. 路 Spanish and english language. 路 Vorp notification system and pNotify. 路 A very low CPU usage. 路 And so on.
Installation: drag and start. Free suport in Discord: esFerDev#0001