Garry's Mod Leaks
CoffeeInventory [1.1.9]
Submitted by katte456, 17-04-2018, 04:39 PM, Thread ID: 84999
Thread Closed
Yet another leak of a inventory I once bought.
What is CoffeeInventory?
CoffeeInv is an easy to use and very powerful inventory system.
What are the key features?/What does it have?/What is it?
There are way too many to list them all and I might forget some, but here they are:
- It works with ANY gamemode.
- It supports stacks, any item you store will be added to a stack in the inventory if any exists, if there isn't any - it'll be added to an empty slot
- It's drag'n'drop based, probably the easiest to use system ever implemented.
- It has fetch functions that can be used to fetch for names of items, which means that your spawned_weapons won't all appear as a "Weapon" in the inventory.
- It uses SQL Database which makes it more efficient and faster than other inventories.
- It has shortcuts which allow you to: drop whole stack [Hold ALT while dropping item] or move just one item from a stack [Hold SHIFT while moving it to another slot].
- It's highly customizable, this includes theme it uses.
- It's compatible with almost EVERY entity in GMod, the only exception is players (no, you can't store players you silly).
- It's softcoded which means that I can add, fix, update or expand it easily! So feel free to request ANY feature and I'll add it or release it as a DLC! In addition, other coders can write addons for it aswell!
- It adds a floating box with a text on it if item is storable.
- While dropping stacks of items, it spawns them inside a package to decrease resource usage ... you are welcome!
- It's 2D Grid based, ever got annoyed that you have to store your items in line while you prefered to have weapons on top of the inventory and food on the bottom? Worry no more!
- Item icon's camera position scales with the model, which means that even huge models will look nicely in it!
- It has inventory validation system, any item removed from the config or item that has amount below 0 or amount above maximum stack you have set in the config will instantly vanish from the inventory to prevent errors, exploits and glitches.
- It has fully custom user interface
- Inventory updates are handled fully serverside, no SQL Injections or Network Message abusements possible.
- Inventory updates with any serverside changes, which means that if you have your inventory open and you drop something or an item is added to your inventory - it'll instantly appear on the screen!
- You can quick-use items from the inventory without having to drop it first.
- It has a fetch amount function that allows you to set what on amount of certain item is based, so if you break a shipment crate and it spawns one weapon with amount is set to 10, then picking it up will add 10 of it to the inventory.
If anyone's interested this is the link for the Blur Theme:!8yghBD4L!yAk6NnG8sqbOH...Rgdrg6weQM
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