This is Dare Vador's exclusive pack and colour correction he used to use when he was active on his channel. He created some incredible looking content and was part of the Dare graphics clan.
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In this case, Dare Vador's exclusive pack is a pack of materials and textures that he used to create some incredible looking content and his CC (colour correction) is a group of effects, filters and some other stuff that alters the look to a product.
mvpcurtis Wrote: In this case, Dare Vador's exclusive pack is a pack of materials and textures that he used to create some incredible looking content and his CC (colour correction) is a group of effects, filters and some other stuff that alters the look to a product.
Thanks for the quick reply i understand now dude thanks a lot.
TenzO Wrote: Thanks for the quick reply i understand now dude thanks a lot.
Please have a search for the designer on Youtube. Just type "Dare Vador" and have a look at some of his content. He hasn't posted anything in a long time but some of his work is still mind blowing.