I think that DarkRP is overvalued mode. Why? Garry's modis MODIFICATION, which was created in order to demonstrate all the features of Source engine. And the main feature of this engine is the maintenance of the RP process? Really?Among all the opportunities offered by the Source and those offered by Lua, instead of creating something grandiose, roleplay was created.
DarkNessProvides Wrote: I feel that the DarkRP has added a lot of popularity to gmod you can't shit on a gamemode if it works to keep the players interested.
Perhaps, but I, as I said earlier, I think that having Soure, you can do something more grandiose.As for example, now migrated to the independent game GModTower
I would agree with you partly, yes it was created as a tech demo, but it is the majority of playerbase [DarkRP]. Sometimes some hosts are making this gm to look like shit.