Minecraft Leaks

DeadSociety Zombie Apocalypse 4.0

Submitted by LunaRenzoX, , Thread ID: 77865

Thread Closed
Junior Member
02-03-2018, 05:16 AM
Tested Minecraft Versions:
1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12

[Image: thedeadsociety-cover-jpg.290750]
Original link:https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/%E2%98%A2-deadsociety-%E2%98%A3-zombie-apocalypse-%E2%98%A3.48823/

What will happen if society collapses? What would you do if there's no one to help you or your family? Disaster preparedness is more than worries, it's also about being practical, preparing for scenarios and being ready for the unpredictable. The world is on the doorstep of a zombie apocalypse. The only way to survive is to find a group of people who are ready to respond to the most difficult moments of survival. A virus who will not stop and will continue to create terror in the lives of people. You have to gather sufficient supplies, obtain and stockpile basic survival(the most important)items, store supplies for just getting by, prepare an emergency kit, become a good shot and always come up with an escape plan.

This plugin enhances your gaming experience and provides you with a unique survival mode that will test your limits.
[Image: req1-jpg.290754]

Java 8 and above required. (Important) Same for your Hosting Website!


[1] VaultAPIand anEconomy Plugin:

This is a soft-depend and its required only for Economy features.

[2] WorldEditandWorldGuard API:

This is a soft-depend and its required only for Zones.

All the information about this plugin is always the latest version.
[Image: fea1-jpg.290753]
[b]>Most of the features are configurable<[/b]

Mob features

  • Zombies not burning during daylight.

  • Zombies can deal insane damage based on the customized rate.

  • Zombies can walk way faster based on the customized rate.

  • Zombies can cause infection to players based on the rate of infection -
    [b]About Infection[/b]

  • Zombies can't break wooden doors.

  • Mad zombies (Speed & Strength) when taking damage.

  • Zombies can be leashed. A zombie can be leashed only while paralyzed. An injection can paralyze a zombie -About Zombies (Leash & Paralyzed)

  • Paralyzed Walkers can have a backpack. An Undead Backpack can be placed on a Paralyzed Walker while its inventory is open -About Zombies (Leash & Paralyzed)

  • Horses can be spawned with a saddle, the saddle cannot be taken or dropped on horses death.

  • Entities can't drop experience points on their death.
Player features

  • Players can cause blood effects while attacking another player or entity.

  • Players can have a thirst bossbar system.

  • Players can have unlimited killing quests.

  • Players get permanent nausea when hungry to death.

  • Players can have a personal backpack by using a command.

  • Players can climb a fence by right-clicking. You have to be on the same block of a fence to do that.

  • Players can open iron doors by right-clicking.

  • Players can find and open lootable chests.

  • Players can set their own camp location and track it.

  • Players can track zones while holding a compass by performing a command or opening a gui track selection.

  • Players can be teleported randomly based on the spawn point locations -About Spawn Points & Random Spawn

  • Players will receive currency rewards when killing another player or a zombie.

  • Players can use custom items based on their survival, example: antibiotics, painkillers, radio, flashlight etc -About Custom Items & Shops

  • Players can wear walker's guts to hide from walkers (Depends on the chance).

  • Players can get a water infection if they drink an infected water bottle. The player will die from infection on consumption. Also, an infected water bottle can be created when filling an empty water bottle from an infected water source.

  • Players are able to fill their bottles infinite times from cauldrons.

  • Players are able to filter infected water bottles into a cauldron.

  • Players or mobs can be killed by an explosion as they stand or located on a sensor. To create a sensor, you need only 2Tripwire HookandString.

  • High falls cause players to be slowed down for a few seconds.

  • A web can deal damage when a player stands on it. (Barbed Wire)

  • Statistic Tracker, Keeps score of player and zombie kills by doing /Stats or /Stats [Player].
Admin Features

  • Create lootable chests -About Lootable Chests

  • Create zones. Zones are divided into two categories, safezones & radiation zones -About Zones & Teleportation Signs

  • Edit custom items from items configuration file about players survival -Items Configuration

  • Create custom items shops -About Custom Items & Shops

  • Edit custom death messages or cancel all basic death messages.

  • Block specific mobs from spawning, example: ocelot, skeleton, spider etc.

  • Block specific crafting materials from getting open, example: Crafting Table, Furnace etc. Creative Mode or Operators can open blocked crafting materials.

  • Create spawn points and allow players to spawn randomly into those locations -About Spawn Points & Random Spawn
Client Side Features:

  • Development API -Development API

  • Auto Configuration System Update.

  • Version Update-Check.
[Image: comm1-jpg.290748]
Click Here

  • /DeadSociety - Shows all available commands on GitHub wiki web page.

  • /DeadSocietyPermissions - Shows all available permissions on GitHub wiki web page.

  • /DeadSocietyReload - Reload all data related to items and default configuration files.

  • /Items [give | list] - Give or get the list of all the available items.

  • /Statistics - Shows your current statistics.

  • /Statistics [player] - Shows others current statistics.

  • /Zone [zone] - Teleport to a zone by its name.

  • /ZoneList - Get a list of all the available zones.

  • /SetSafezone [zone] - Create a safezone by its name.

  • /SetRadiationZone [zone] - Create a radiation zone by its name.

  • /SetRadiationZone [zone] Spawn - Create a spawn location for an existing radiation zone.

  • /DeleteZone [zone] - Remove a zone by its name.
Loot Wand

  • /LootWand - Get a loot wand to create or edit a loot.

  • /Backpack - Open your personal backpack.

  • /Thirst - Shows your current thirst.

  • /Thirst Refill -Set your thirst back to 100%

  • /Thirst Refill <Player> - Set a player thirst back to 100%

  • /Thirst Help -All available commands

  • /Quest - Shows all available commands based on the quests.

  • /Quest Start - Starts a random quest.

  • /Quest Info - Shows your current quest statistics.

  • /Quest Cancel - Cancels your current quest.

  • /SetCamp - Sets your camp location.

  • /Track - Track your camp location while holding a compass.

  • /Track [zone] - Track a zone by its name while holding a compass.
Spawn Points

  • /SetSpawnPoint - Sets a spawn point location for players random spawn.

  • /SetSpawnPoint [SpawnPoint] - Sets an existing spawn point location for players random spawn.
Random Spawn

  • /RandomSpawn - Teleport players to a random spa

  • wn point loc[Image: pe1-jpg.290751]ation.

  • Click Here

    • ds.use - Use /DeadSociety command.
    • ds.permissions - Use /DeadSocietyPermissions command.
    • ds.reload - Use /DeadSocietyReload command.
  • Items

    • ds.knife - Use a knife.
    • ds.guts - Use walker guts.
    • ds.medpack - Use a med pack.
    • ds.bandage - Use a bandage.
    • ds.flashlight - Use a flashlight.
    • ds.antibiotics - Use antibiotics.
    • ds.painkillers - Use painkillers.
    • ds.stimpak - Use a stimpak.
    • ds.injection - Use an injection.
    • ds.items.* - Use all the items.
    • ds.items.cmd - Use /Items command.
  • Item Shop

    • ds.itemshop.use - Allow purchasing items by right-clicking the sign.
    • ds.itemshop.create - Create an item shop.
    • ds.itemshop.break - Break an item shop.
    • ds.itemshop.infinite- Buy infinite items without any balance needed.
    • ds.itemshop.* - Use all the permissions.
  • Statistics

    • ds.stats - See your current statistics.
    • ds.stats.others - See others current statistics.
    • ds.stats.* - Use all permissions.
  • Zones

    • ds.zone.teleport - Use /Zone command.
    • ds.zone.list - Use /ZoneList command.
    • ds.zone.set.sz - Use /SetSafezone command.
    • ds.zone.set.rz - Use /SetRadiationZone command.
    • ds.zone.immune - It will ignore radiation effects being spread by making the player immune.
    • ds.zone.delete - Use /DeleteZone command.
    • ds.zone.* - Use all the permissions.
  • Zone Signs

    • ds.zone.sign.use - Use a zone teleportation sign.
    • ds.zone.sign.create - Create a zone teleportation sign.
    • ds.zone.sign.break - Break a zone teleportation sign.
    • ds.zone.sign.* - Use all the permissions.
  • Block Crafting Materials

    • ds.<materialName> - Allow players to open specific blocked crafting materials. Example, if you blocked FURNACE, the permission would be like: "ds.furnace".
  • Loot Wand

    • ds.loot.create - Create a loot with a loot wand.
    • ds.loot.break - Break a loot with a loot wand.
    • ds.loot.cmd - Use /LootWand command.
    • ds.loot.* - Use all the permissions.
  • Infection

    • ds.infection.immune - It will ignore infection being spread by making the player immune.
    • ds.infection.cmd - Execute commands when infection commands cancellation is true. Keep in mind, this permission works only before infection happens.
  • Survival

    • ds.irondoor - Allow players to open an iron door by right-clicking.
    • ds.waterbottle - Allow players to have infinite water bottle sources from cauldrons.
    • ds.climbing - Allow players to climb fences.
    • ds.leash - Allow players to leash zombies while paralyzed.
    • ds.fall - Allow players to avoid slowness effect on fall.
    • ds.sensors - Allow players to avoid sensors explosion as they stand or located on a sensor.
  • Backpacks

    • ds.backpack - Open your personal backpack.
    • ds.backpack.keep- Keep backpack contents on death.
    • ds.backpack.* - Use all the permissions.
  • Walkers

    • ds.walker.inv - Open a paralyzed walker personal inventory.
    • ds.walker.backpack - Open an itinerant walker personal backpack.
    • ds.walker.* - Use all the permissions
  • Thirst

    • ds.thirst - Use /Thirst Command.
    • ds.thirst.refill - Use /Thirst Refill command.
    • ds.thirst.refill.others - Use /Thirst Refill <Player> command.
    • ds.thirst.help - Use /Thirst Help command.
    • ds.thirst.* - Use all the permissions.
  • Quests

    • ds.quests - Use all /Quest commands.
  • Camp

    • ds.setcamp - Use /SetCamp command.
  • Track

    > Compass

    Those permissions are when players right-click a compass to open a GUI track selection.

    • ds.compass - Allow players to open a GUI track selection.
    • ds.track.camp - Allow players to track their camp location.
    • ds.track.zone - Allow players to track a zone location.
    • ds.track.* - Use all the permissions.
  • > Commands

    • ds.track.camp.cmd - Use /Track command.
    • ds.track.zone.cmd - Use /Track [Zone] command.
    • ds.track.cmd.* - Use all the permissions.
  • Spawn Points

    • ds.spawnpoint.set - Use /SetSpawnPoint command.
  • Random Spawn

    • ds.random.spawn - Use /RandomSpawn command.
  • Random Spawn Signs

    • ds.random.spawn.sign.use - Use a random spawn point teleportation sign.
    • ds.random.spawn.sign.create - Create a random spawn teleportation sign.
    • ds.random.spawn.sign.break - Break a random spawn teleportation sign.
    • ds.random.spawn.sign.* - Use all the permissions.
  • All Permissions


RE: DeadSociety Zombie Apocalypse 4.0

10-02-2019, 09:43 PM
This plugin is very good good job can upgrade the plugin the site is fantastic but the plugin aren't upgrade at laterest version

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