Miscellaneous Leaks
FREE 888 RAT ( V 1.1.1) For Windows + Android Cracked $100
Submitted by HamzaHaroon1314, 05-11-2019, 12:55 PM, Thread ID: 148886
Thread Closed
FREE 888 RAT ( V 1.1.1) For Windows + Android Cracked $100
Work Win ( 7 8 8.1 10 -xp -Vista 2000 98 95 ) 64 & 32 Bit
Persistence startUp (even if it deleted )
hide process (32bit)
USB spread shortCut New method
spoof any Extention (SCR)
Disable teskmgr & Msconfig
Av Obfuscator Usg server Fud
Uac Exploit 0 day disable & enable
Bypass AV scanne & Runtime with Unique Stub Generator (USG)
Startup Scheduled
Hide installation
2 Costom Builder
Icone changer
Binder any kind of file ilimited & not run in startup
File Manager
Remote Desktop
Web cam capture
Sound capture
Get password (all last browser 2 method nirsoft & Downloader & Outlook)
* Browser
Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Chrome Canary/SXS
CoolNovo Browser
Opera Browser
Apple Safari
Flock Browser
SeaMonkey Browser
SRWare Iron Browser
Comodo Dragon Browser
* EMaile
Microsoft Outlook Express
Microsoft Outlook 2002/XP/2003/2007/2010/2013
Mozilla Thunderbird
Windows Live Mail 2012
Opera Mail
The Bat!
Foxmail v6.x v7.x
Windows Live Messenger
MSN Messenger
Google Talk
GMail Notifier
PaltalkScene IM
Pidgin (Formerly Gaim) Messenger
Miranda Messenger
Windows Credential Manager
proccess Manager
remote Cmd
Online Keylogger
Form graber log + images
remote chat
download & execut
Upload & execut
Open Url
Uac exploit
Delete Cookis (chrome + firfox)
Spreaker ( Virus speak what you writ )
outluk Delete Profile & pass
open cd & close
Bugs Fix
( First of all update your old users with new Rat server , if you not update you will find problems )
1.1.1 improuvment list
1 - Add label explain features in builder area
2 - Fix scanner davices bug display ip
3 - deleted hid instalation becose some system not run server in startup becose folder is hiden
4 - Now you can use Ms17-10 Not just LAN but WAN also mean via wirless
5 - Add in server area a auto change from system to user previlage without upload server & run as user for exploit MS17-010 ( so faster )
6 - Add Cookis Stealer in password area , now you able to have any session just with steal & inject cookies to your brwoser , no pass , no grab
the good that you can bypass 2FA autentification & not need user or a password , also work any website for browser Chrome Firfox & Opera (Native)
7- Add Browser Decrypter for [ Chrome , Opera ] All vesion in password area (Native)
8 - Add in rat client a Arp scanne method on Ms17-010 it is fast mthod to scanne a network the first method was ping scanne now we have tow methods
9 - Add in Ms17-010 scanner custome range from to in the past was num 1 also add label to know self ip in lan network
10 - Replaced old FireFox get pass with new one fast & stable ( same way as old just improuved )
11 - Some bug fix and delete show ip in duckdns & no-ip updaters for security reasons & improuve hiden info in option area
12 - Add search option on cookies stealer .
13 - Message manager improuved now it is a listview with all messages logs
14 - Added new persistence method Schtasks ( we keep old vbs method ) now tow method avalible
15 - Remove server from Zone.Identifier in install , the warn message of windows when you run server detected as unknow app (in install only )
16 - Add detect target time & self ip on the machin in scanner MS17_010
17 - Change No ip updater from hiden execution to execut via browser (not hiden) more stable becose som browser block update in hidden mode
18 - Add Regedit Manager in windows system area explore files , add value , delete value , Decode value type Binary and Base64 and CryptProtectData
19 - Fix GetObject Error for Speaker in funny area also for Get Av name
20 - Fix Zip & UnZip problems in Filemanager
21 - Deleted browser Cookies remover becose rat need cookies to steal data if case monitor grabber not catch data
22 - Add Installed Softwar & soft infos about target machin
23 - Deleted Shotcut spread in builder for stability + detection problems
24 - Add FileZilla Ftp Password decrypt (Native)
25 -Add Rat Change Log for all Update steps in info area
26 - Change 888 Rat gif main logo number 5 with New one
27 - Add connection speed test in tools area for windows & android between Rat & server using Ping & Pong
28 - Add save data for ( browser native & get message android & phone contacts )
29 - Add Exe To Msi in Tools Main RAT
30 - Fix ( All Files ) downloaded files in Android
31 - Changed get ip & country from website to a native get ip & country , not need website to have infos now Rat done itself
32 - Add IP Tracker area a method to get all info about target & scanne port & send fake page with auto os & payload detection
33 - Add your Custome Port to scanne in Ms 17-010 befor it was just 445 now you can scanne any port you want also added icons status
34 - Fix problems in cam spy android & improuved & work all vesion of android from hony to Q
35 - Add Auto screen in cam spy android , now camra is like a video screen
36 - some one report a problem in calls spy , can't read indian & arabic & russian & other no latin caracters now you can download all calls with one click
37 - Add image geo tracer . you can get image place where it taken in file manager
38 - Add Open Url in Browser forAndroid in tool area
39 - Remove Optimisation option from android builder now server work fine without any stop by system even if use lot of battray
40 - Add Password on Android area , Facebook Phisher is fake login page that get user data & redirect the user to real Facebook
41 - Add Account Manager in Password area to get google email & samsung email & any other app email
42 - now delete apk (uninstall) work all android os
Installation Note:
Always Disable Your Antivirus Before Using RAT
Install Java JRE And Java JDK If Not Installed Yet
Always Bind Apk With Server
RE: FREE 888 RAT ( V 1.1.1) For Windows + Android Cracked $100
05-11-2019, 07:28 PM
#2 The app prompts a dialog giving a code and asking for a password.
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