Garry's Mod Leaks
Submitted by XenBe, 25-08-2020, 10:25 PM, Thread ID: 179597
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DLC is included
gHomes allows your players to rent/purchase houses or apartments.GHomes is provided with strong and easy-to-use tools which will allow you to quickly add -if the map you're using is not supported yet- houses or apartments to your favorite map.
You can either buy/rent the home/apartment directly on it's front panel or go to the NPC selling them, you can also disable the panels in the config to force the players to use the Seller.
Buy houses from multiple way (Each way can be disabled in the settings/ or by not spawning the npc)
Let the players rent or purchase properties (You do like : max rental = 3 days, autosell after not connected afterxdays in the config)
Let the players decide for how much days they rent the home (You can disable each mode individually for each house)
As a player, renew the lease before it expires
Easy as hell to use tools allowing you to add your own maps/houses/apartments
Auto props saving for the owner of the house/apartment every minutes
Auto keys management, directly use them, no F2 or door linking bullshit
Prevent people from spawning shit on your lawn
Sexy preview of the property when buying it with the NPC
Sexy 3D panelif you decide to keep it enabled,since the 4.0 update you can disable it and open it in a 2D context using F2 on the door
Add co-owners, allow them to open/close doors and spawn props
With the 3D Panel, ring the doorbell and leave messaged to the owner or the co-owners, they will be able to read them directly on it.
If the player didn't connect for X days (in the config) the property/house/whatever he owns is sold.
Compatible withAGCto get a list of the guys living in a house
ESL ONE Certified mathematics used for optimizations
Quick showcase video i made for the 2.0, it's a recap of most of the existing features, keep in mind i'm french, so pardon my english
Sexy booting animation for the tool (you'll see it only once, don't worry)
[NEW]You can now edit houses (daily price, perma price, name etc) directly with the NPC
[NEW]Players can now rent houses in hours not just in days
[NEW]You can enable the "sell-on-leave" mode to get a darkrp vanilla experience and still make it easier for your players to buy houses
Even if the tool to add homes is easy as hell to use,ready-to use maps filesare provided with the addon, more will come in the future, but keep in mind usingthe toolsis really easy.
All existing map are supported, there is nothing as an "unsupported map", the tools are easy as fuck to use, really
(I know it's supposed to be X per day and not per days, it's fixed in the addon but i'm too lazy to re-record it)
sexy booting animation which you will see only once[img][/img], don't worry about seeing it evertime to use the tool
Compatibility and other stuff
- INCOMPATIBLE WITHAdvanced Lock & Lockpicking SystemBecause his hook is overwriting stuff
RE: GHome
31-10-2020, 06:41 PM
#2 A very interesting addon in terms of houses, as it looks like a system of riertars
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