First card was a NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT I think but yeah it was a ugly fat block gpu with a orange plastic shell with that stupid geforce frog mascot they had. I loved that mega block of a gpu, ran gmod and half life 2 pretty good back in the day and after handing it down, apparently the fat fuck is still alive after a decade now.
I've not had many. My first was a GT 480 I believe. It was rubbish in my first build about 15 years ago. I saved up all my birthday money and built all the parts myself.
After that I got some AMD thing that again was pretty rubbish.
Then a GTX 960 and finally my 1070 that I have now. I'm waiting desperately for either a 3070 or a 3080 but all the scalpers are causing prices to skyrocket and stocks to be too low.