My mother saw this on the news and immediately started pointing fingers at me. I wish the broadcaster had mentioned that this only impacts a small amount of people who game like it does on the WHO website. Other than the risk of parents getting worried for nothing I think this could be beneficial for individuals who do have this problem.
While I do think gaming is addicting, these people pay way too much attention to the negatives. You can still learn a lot of things about gaming and theres some positives to it. I just don't think its all that bad really.
Gaming doesn't ruin your life, well depending on its outcome and how you receive it. But some studies have shown that gaming as improved peoples reaction time, and sense of their environment, I have played some fast pace games in the past, and my outcome it that I have a better awareness in driving both my motorcycle and my truck. I know some people may say that is false, but I highly recommend doing some research on the matter before jumping to conclusions about it.